Darwin Cloud

How do I Merge Duplicate Non-Employee Contacts

Updated on

In cases where the same vendor has been entered in darwin multiple times, there is a function that allows users to merge profiles with the same name.  (Note, this tool cannot be used for people of type Employee or Agent)

Users that will use this function must have the Security Role Action - People > Basics > Allow Find Duplicates

  1. Click Security
  2. Click Roles
  3. Choose the roles, and click it to open
  4. Click actions tab
  5. Type a portion of the action role
  6. Select the check box to add the action
  7. Click save
  1. Click People menu
  2. Click People basics sub menu
  3. Click search
  1. Type in the name of the person on the name field
  2. Click search or (after typing the name user can also press enter key)
  3. Click the person name

To find duplicates:

  1. Click find duplicates
  1. Select the people to keep
  2. Click next
  1. On the find duplicates tab, check merge box of profiles to merge
  2. Click next
  1. On the confirm merge tab, click merge

If there is a duplicate record that is not showing on the 'find duplicates' tab:

  1. Click + button next to People to Merge
  1. From the search window, type the name of the record
  2. Click search to filter results
  3. Select the record you want to show in the list
  1. Check merge box of profiles to merge
  2. Click next
  1. On the confirm merge tab, click merge

For agent or employee profiles that cannot be merged, the profile can be deactivated and the name can be modified by adding the word "duplicate" in the last name or company name field.

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