Starting the process
To add a new agent darwin Cloud, take the following steps:
- Click the People menu
- Click the new button
- Select Agent person type from the dropdown list
- Click select
Person Details: Select person type and enter details according to requirements
- Fill in the first name, last name in the field
- Select the company from the dropdown list
- Enter email address
- Click the next button
- Select phone type
- Enter phone number
- Click next
Address: Select address type and enter required fields
- Select address type from the drop-down list
- Enter street#, street name, designation
- Enter zip to automatically populate city and state (user may also use the magnifying glass to search)
- Click the next button
- Optionally keep clicking next to fill out information from steps 3 through 11 (this information can be skipped and can be filled in once the agent profile is open)
- Click add
People Basics
- Fill in the familiar name with the agent's first name
- Fill in the corporate name
- Check the box to use corporate name. This will get agent checks to print with the corporate name.
- Enter the email address in the field
- Enter the personal website of the agent in the url field (optional)
- Type in the birthday in the field or select it in the calendar from the drop-down menu (optional)
- Select the gender from the drop down list (optional)
- Click save
Add agent's address
- Click the plus (+) button next to addresses
- Select Mailing as the address type from the drop-down list
- Enter the address details in the fields as needed
- Click add
- Click save
NOTE: Multiple addresses can be added by clicking the + button next to addresses, then enter the address information.
Add agent's phone number
- Click the plus (+) button next to phone numbers
- Select the phone type from the drop down list
- Enter the phone number
- Click save
NOTE: It is very important for the agent to have a mobile phone number. This can be added by clicking the + button again next to phone numbers.
Add agent's social media account (optional)
- Click the plus (+) button next to websites
- Select website type from the drop down list
- Enter the url
- Enter name
- Select content language from the drop down list
- Click add
- Click save
People links
- Click the People links
- Select what type of 1099 the agent gets from the drop down list
- Check the box that the agent gets 1099
- Enter agent's personal tax ID
- Enter corporate tax ID if agent will be using the corporate name
- Fill in the dates for the corporation start and corporation end
- Check the box if agent works full time and if it will show on internet
- Click save
- Click the plus (+) button next to MLS ID
- Select MLS source
- Enter the MLS ID of the agent
- Click add
- Click save
NOTE: To add a multiple MLS IDs, just click the plus (+) button, and repeat the steps.
Add agent to a contact group
- Click the plus (+) button next to contact groups
- Select a contact group from the drop down list
- Click add
There are many fields on the People links page that are auto-filled. (like franchise sa quid) . Also, the people screens are not only used for agents. As buyers and sellers, or mortgage companies, etc. are added by other software programs that darwin "talks" to - the ID values that link people between darwin cloud and other software are displayed here. The link values will be auto-added by darwin. Cloud
Agent Basics
- Click Agent basics
- Enter the start date the calendar to select the date
- If the agent is on the commission plan, enter the anniversary date by typing in the field or selecting it in the calendar
- Check the active box
- Fill in the career start when the agent started in the real estate business
- Fill in the brand start when the agent started in the brand or company
The start date is when the agent started with your company. The anniversary date is used for calculating their commission contract.
Agent Basics: Adding more information
- Select the prior occupation of the agent from the dropdown list
- Select the prior affiliation of the agent from the dropdown list
- Fill in the education level the agent have attained from the list
- If applicable, select an agent team from the dropdown list
- Select specialty from the dropdown list
- Click the magnifying glass to pull up a person record for the following:
- recruited by
- coached by
- managed by
- emergency contact
To add recruited by, coached by, managed by, emergency contact
- Type some portion of the person name
- Select person type from the drop down list to limit People types in the search results
- Click search
- Click the name of the person
To add Licences
- Click the plus (+) button next to licenses
- Select license type from the drop down list
- Select the state from the drop down list
- Enter the issued date of the license
- Expiration date of the license
- Enter the license number
- Click add
- Click save
To add a multiple licenses, click the plus (+) button next to licenses and repeat the steps.
To add Insurance
- Click the plus (+) button next to insurances
- Select the insurance type from the drop down list
- Enter the expiration date
- Click add
- Click save
To add a multiple insurances, click the plus (+) button next to insurances and repeat the steps.
To add preferences:
- Click the plus (+) button next to preferences
- Select a preference from the drop down list
- Check the box is enabled
- Click save (pop up window)
- Click save
Web profile
Add a web profile
- Click the plus (+) button next to web profiles
- Select a web category from the drop down list
- Enter the profile text that describes the agent
- Click add
- Click save
To add more profiles of the agent ( qualifications, awards, hobbies, credentials, etc. ), click the plus (+) button next to web profiles and repeat the steps.
These descriptions of the agent are used for advertising the agent on the internet.
Add a Language the agent speaks
- Click the plus (+) button next to languages
- Select language from the drop down list
- Click add
To add more languages the agent speaks, just click the + symbol and repeat the steps.
Add area of specializations
- Click the plus (+) button next to area of specializations
- Select area of specialization from the drop down list
- Click add
To add more area of specialization of the agent, click the plus (+) button next to area of specializations and repeat the steps.
Add a professional designation of the agent:
- Click the plus (+) button next to designations
- Select professional designation from the drop down list
- Click add
To add more professional designations of the agent, click the plus (+) button next to designations and repeat the steps.
- Click the Commission sub menu
- Click the hyperlink to select the current commission plan of the agent
- Select plan from the drop down list
- Select sub plan
- Select next commission plan to apply if there will be changes in the agent's commission plan
- Enter the effective date when the next commission plan will start
- Click save
There are 5 columns on the commission page that you may never need to use.
- % percentage - used when the agent pays a lower % than standard for the deduction
- $ amount - used when the agent pays a lower dollar amount than the standard deduct
- $ CAP - used if a deduction is designed to stop withholding at a threshold
- % max - used if the office has a "never take more than %" for this agent
- $ max - used if the office has a "never take more than $" for this agent
- terminated date - used if the rules set on the deduction table will no longer apply
Add Agent Tracking Totals
- Click the plus (+) button next to refresh totals
- Check the box of the totals that need to be added to the agent profile
- Click add
- Select from the options for which agents the totals will be saved
- Click save

Add Agent's Prior Production and agent commission notes
- Type the production numbers in the following fields as needed:
- prior AGCI
- prior volume
- prior sides
- prior net
- Add agent commission notes to show when closing a transaction
- Enter text for the commission reminder on the provided field
- Click save
To add an item that needs to be charged to the agent on a recurring basis:
- Click the Billing sub menu
- Click the plus (+) button next to recurring billable items
- Select the items the agent pays on a regular basis by checking the box
- Click add
- Click save
- Select from the options where the billing items will be saved
- Click save (pop up window)

Add billing notes as needed
- Enter billing notes on the provided field
- Click save
Adding Overrides
- Click Overrides sub-menu
- Click the plus + button next to overrides
- Enter the applies to: information
- Enter the pay to: information
- pay to
- office
- role
- account
- Click add
If the override is amount based:
- Click amount $ field to enter the amount
- Click add
If the override is a calculated percentage:
- Click percentage to fill in information
- Click the ellipsis (...) next to the field of based on
- Scroll on the merge fields and double click to choose the percentage of what formula or field is to be paid
- Click save
- Click add
If the override has a limit:
- Enter limit $ (if applicable)
- Enter limit # (if applicable)
- Enter date range (if applicable)
- Click add
If this override will only apply after a different override has reached its limit:
- Select the preceding override from trigger after this override drop down
- Set the amount in the limit $ for trigger override field
- Click add
If the override is restricted to a specific state:
- Click the ellipsis (...) to edit advanced criteria
- double-click the merge field State, or enter the text [State]
- select an operator to define how the state restriction should apply: apply override to only a specific state (=), or do not apply override to a specific state (<>)
- type the 2-letter abbreviation for the state in single quotes
- if the restriction applies to multiple states: repeat the statement for each included state using "OR" (ex. [State] = 'MA' OR [State] = 'NY'), or repeat the statement for each excluded state using "AND" (ex. [State] <> 'MA' AND [State] <> 'NY')
- Click save
- Click add