Paying the Agent by Direct Deposit while Closing a Transaction
To start the transaction, open any property in the Properties menu
- Click the Post sub menu
- Post screen shows the list of agents and how much each agent will earn
When the user is ready to close or post a property:
- Check off Direct Deposit or Write Checks now?
- The system will put the default bank account for writing commission checks
- As soon as the checkbox for Direct Deposit or Write Checks now? is checked off, the direct dep box will be enabled
- Check the direct dep box of the agent on the list you want to have direct deposit with a amount specified
- Click the post button to deposit the money to the agent's bank account
Paying the Agent by Direct Deposit after Closing a Transaction
- Enter the post date for accounting in the field or select the date in the calendar
- Click the Post button
The posting commission process page will appear and automatically closed once the property is posted successfully.

Once the property has been successfully posted, the user can do the direct deposit process separately in two ways.
Process direct deposit from the closed property
- Go to Accounting
- In the voucher section, click the voucher ID
When the user clicked the voucher ID from the Properties > Accounting, the screen will go to the Bills > Enter bills screen.
- Click pay now
- Check pay by direct deposit
- Choose the bank account from the dropdown
- Enter the full $ amount
- Click direct dep
Paying the Agent by Direct Deposit while Closing a Transaction using "Paid at Closing"
When the user is ready to close or post a property using Paid at Closing feature:
- Check off Direct Deposit or Write Checks now?
- The system will put the default bank account for writing commission checks
- Since this is a paid at closing transaction, to use the direct deposit column, checked off the in office column
- As soon as the checkbox for in office is checked off, the direct dep box will be enabled
- Check the direct dep box
- Click the post