Darwin Cloud

How to Edit Comm GL Account Mapping

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darwin Cloud comes with default Comm GL account numbers assigned to each of the deductions that are taken from a transaction's AGCI to determine the Agent's Net commission due. These Comm GL account numbers are editable.

  1. Click Formulas
  2. Click Comm. GL # 
  3. Choose the accounting code from the dropdown list
  4. On the list side, reassign the GL account by clicking in the account field and choosing the correct GL account to use from the dropdown
  5. Repeat the process for the sell side
  6. Click save

To see the list of the GL Accounts available

  1. Click Ledger
  2. Click Chart
  3. Click the applicable tab (income, cost of sales, etc)
  4. The screen will show the list of account numbers that are assigned to the description
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