Darwin Cloud

How to Add a Transaction Fee and Add as a Part of Out of Office Referral

Updated on

Set up Offset Set

  1. Go to Settings menu
  2. Go to Offset Set submenu
  3. Check the box for Referral for listing and selling
  4. Click save

Edit the commission information in the property

  1. Go and search the property in Properties menu, search and select the property to be modified
  2. Go to Commission submenu
  3. Enter the trans fee
  4. Add the trans fee in the referral amount
  5. Click save
  6. Click the button to add referral commission - list side
  7. Click the magnifying glass on the pop up box
  8. Enter the portion of the name of the referral
  9. Click search
  10. Click the name
  11. Click Add

Post the property

  1. Go to Post screen
  2. Check Paid at Closing
  3. Check the in office box- to print the check to the Referral company
  4. Do not check to reverse the extra referral to the company
  5. Click save
  6. Click invoice order total to check the amounts included
  7. Enter the post date for accounting
  8. Check Record Payments received to enter amount
  9. Click post
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