Darwin Cloud

Running Reports in darwin Cloud

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darwin Cloud Reports: custom filter, custom column, custom group by

All of the reports in darwin Cloud allow filters to see only the date range and data that matter to the user. Filter by any transaction date or accounting date. Reports show default columns of data but there are dozens of other data points user can show or hide to see only the data that matters to the users.  Additionally, user can re-organize the grouping in users reports.

Run a report in darwin Cloud

  1. Click Reports menu
  2. Click All reports sub menu
  3. Choose a report category from the right side of the screen
  4. Double click report to run

Filter the reports using the 3 sections on the Report Criteria screen:

  1. filter parameter (top)
  2. available columns (middle)
  3. group by (bottom)

User may need to scroll down to see all possible columns

the group by option is at the bottom of the screen

Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
  1. Click preview to run the report

filter reports using parameters

For each report, there are a wide variety of filter options. The filter options vary depending on the report. By default, when the report criteria screen opens, many of the filter criteria will be set to settings that most people want most often, but user can change the defaults as well as all the other filter options.

The most commonly used are date type, date range, status & office.

select columns you want to see

Users can customize the content of a report by checking or unchecking the fields they want to see in the report.

By default, every report in darwin Cloud opens with many fields already checked to show. These are the default fields made by AccountTECH. It is determined which are most likely to view by the users.

Users can add more fields to the report or remove fields simply by checking or unchecking fields to show.

change your report grouping

Changing grouping can show user the same data in ways that sometimes reveal surprising insights. The most common grouping is to show data grouped first by Office, and then by the Agents within an office. 

In darwin Cloud, user can modify the grouping in a report to organize the report differently and this will highlight different information.

Here are a couple of examples: a closed transaction report is normally grouped by office and then agent within that office (with grouping, user also get totals per group).

Example 1:  What if user grouped by Agent and then Lead Generated by? Then user would get totals for each Agent, and beneath that, user would see how much of the Agent's business was Office generated and how much was Agent generated.

Example 2:  What if user grouped by Lead Source and then Office? Then user would get totals for each of the Lead Sources that provided with Buyers and Sellers.  And beneath each Lead Source user would see, which of your offices are closing the most deals from each specific Lead Source.

learn by doing

The variety of reports user can create in darwin Cloud is limitless. The best way to understand the power of the reporting tools in darwin Cloud is to play. Log in and try all different kinds of combinations: Parameters, Columns & Grouping. User will quickly become an expert and be able to create any report user need for any circumstance.

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