Darwin Cloud

How do I Enhance Listings imported from MLS

Updated on

All of the listings that you put in MLS are imported into darwin Cloud automatically. User may add some details to the listing that came from MLS especially to the seller info.

To enhance a listing imported from MLS into darwin Cloud

  1. Click Properties
  2. Click the search button
  3. Type some portion of the address in the field, and press enter
  4. Click the property address

Property Basics

The most common data that users add is on the People submenu

  1. Click the People submenu to start modifying the listing


Seller/Buyer information does not imported from the MLS generally.

To add a seller

  1. Click the plus (+) button
  1. Type a portion of buyer/seller's name
  2. Click search
  3. Click the name of the seller/buyer
  1. If the seller data is not complete, open the seller's People page by clicking the hyperlink name of the seller.
  1. Enter the email address of the seller in the field
  2. Select the source from the dropdown list (where the seller came from)
  3. Select the lead by from the dropdown list (who generated the lead)
  4. Select the entity type of the seller from the dropdown list
  1. To add a phone number for the seller/buyer click the + symbol
  2. Select the phone type from the dropdown list
  3. Enter the country code and phone number
  4. Click the add button
  • To add the other phone numbers of the seller/buyer just click the + symbol and repeat the steps.
  • If the person is a seller, we normally put a mailing address. If the person is a buyer, we need to add a new address and check the box this is next mailing address.

After modifying the information of the seller in People page,

  1. Click the save button.

Add a Seller not found

If user try to add a seller that is not in darwin Cloud

  1. Click the add person button on the lower-right part of the screen to add the seller
  1. Fill in the first name and last name field of the seller
  2. Click the add button

Complete the data entry for a seller

  1. Click the hyperlink name of the seller to open the People page for the seller
  1. Enter the email address of the seller on the field
  2. Select the source from the dropdown list (where the seller came from)
  3. Select the lead by from the dropdown list (who generated the lead)
  4. Select the entity type of the seller from the dropdown list
  1. To add a phone number for the seller/buyer click the + symbol
  2. Select the phone type from the dropdown list
  3. Enter the country code and phone number
  4. Click the add button
  5. Click save

Information about the new seller has been updated in Properties > People screen

It may not be necessary for user to add seller information. darwin Cloud integrates with popular software programs that may already have the seller data. Talk to AccountTECH about turning on some integrations for you.


Another most common place that people enhance a listing is in Features page.

  1. Click the Features submenu to start modifying the listing

When you first view a listing, the remarks and features that display were imported from MLS and added into darwin Cloud automatically

To add a new property remark

  1. Click the plus (+) button
  2. Select the remark type from the dropdown list
  3. Enter the remark text in the field
  4. Click the add button

To add more property remarks, just click the + symbol and repeat the steps.

To add a new property feature

  1. Click the plus (+) button
  2. Select the group of feature from the dropdown list
  3. Select the feature from the dropdown list
  4. Click the save button

To add more property features, just click the + symbol and repeat the steps.

To add a new room

  1. Click the plus (+) button
  2. Enter the name of the room
  3. Enter the length and the width
  4. Enter the sequence number
  5. Click the save button

To add more room, just click the + symbol and repeat the steps.

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