Darwin Cloud

Adding and Updating Property Virtual Tours

Updated on

Search for the property

  1. Go to Properties
  2. Go to Basics submenu
  3. Click search
  4. Choose status to filter the results
  5. Type in a portion of the address
  6. Hit enter on the keyboard
  7. Click on the property address

Adding Virtual Tour

  1. Click Media Stream submenu
  2. Click Add multiple photos button
  3. Under media format, choose Video from the dropdown list
  4. Under media category, choose Virtual Tour
  5. Enter virtual tour link on the field
  6. Enter description on the field
  7. Click Save

Edit Media

  1. Click the pencil icon to edit information
  2. Edit media information: media format, media category, link, and description
  3. Click Save
  4. Or click the trash icon to delete
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