Darwin Cloud

How to Research for an A/R Imbalance

Updated on

Run Balance Sheet report as of the date of imbalance

  1. Click Reports menu
  2. Click All reports submenu
  3. Click Accounting section
  4. Double-click the Balance Sheet report
  5. Enter the date when the account A/R imbalanced
  6. Choose the the company name
  7. Choose yes on hide zero values
  8. Click preview
  1. When the report appears on the  screen write down the Account receivables $ Amount as of the date of the imbalance

Run Receivables Reconciliation Summary report as of the date of imbalance

  1. Click Reports menu
  2. Click All reports submenu
  3. Click Accounting section
  4. Double-click the Receivable Reconciliation Summary report
  5. Enter the date
  6. Choose the the company name
  7. Click preview
  1. when the report appears write down the total of the A/R Balance Sheet. 
  2. If there is a total of Invoices Paid in Advance, substract from the total A/R Balance Sheet to get the correct $ amount to compare against the account Sales and Receivables in the Balance Sheet Report.

Run A/R Aging report : user will use this report also to compare the total amount due in Sales and receivables for agents and commissions and compare it against Report Balance Sheet/Account Receivables. 

  1. Click Reports menu
  2. Click All reports sub menu
  3. Click Accounting section
  4. Double-click the A/R Aging report
  5. Enter the date
  6. Choose the the company name
  7. Click preview
  1. When the report appears, write down the total of the A/R Aging Report to compare with the Account Sales and receivables as of date of imbalance. 

To explain the difference user can also:

  1. Go to Ledger menu
  2. Click Inquiry sub menu
  3. Choose the company name
  4. Choose the account for 1-1200 Accounts receivable
  5. Enter the date range as of the date of the imbalance (All dates)
  6. Click search
  7. Filter src column by type of transaction posted
    • Enter GJ (General Journal) that can explain why the total of the report does not match the Balance sheet/Accounts Receivable balance
  • Journal entries are not included in any Aging or receivables reconciliation report. Those reports only show Invoices for commissions, agent billing and customers. 
  • A difference can be explained for journals entered to adjust the account Sales and Receivables. 
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