Run Balance Sheet report as of the date of imbalance
- Click Reports menu
- Click All reports submenu
- Click Accounting section
- Double-click the Balance Sheet report
- Enter the date when the account A/R imbalanced
- Choose the the company name
- Choose yes on hide zero values
- Click preview
- When the report appears on the screen write down the Account receivables $ Amount as of the date of the imbalance

Run Receivables Reconciliation Summary report as of the date of imbalance
- Click Reports menu
- Click All reports submenu
- Click Accounting section
- Double-click the Receivable Reconciliation Summary report
- Enter the date
- Choose the the company name
- Click preview
- when the report appears write down the total of the A/R Balance Sheet.
- If there is a total of Invoices Paid in Advance, substract from the total A/R Balance Sheet to get the correct $ amount to compare against the account Sales and Receivables in the Balance Sheet Report.
Run A/R Aging report : user will use this report also to compare the total amount due in Sales and receivables for agents and commissions and compare it against Report Balance Sheet/Account Receivables.
- Click Reports menu
- Click All reports sub menu
- Click Accounting section
- Double-click the A/R Aging report
- Enter the date
- Choose the the company name
- Click preview
- When the report appears, write down the total of the A/R Aging Report to compare with the Account Sales and receivables as of date of imbalance.
To explain the difference user can also:
- Go to Ledger menu
- Click Inquiry sub menu
- Choose the company name
- Choose the account for 1-1200 Accounts receivable
- Enter the date range as of the date of the imbalance (All dates)
- Click search
- Filter src column by type of transaction posted
- Enter GJ (General Journal) that can explain why the total of the report does not match the Balance sheet/Accounts Receivable balance
- Journal entries are not included in any Aging or receivables reconciliation report. Those reports only show Invoices for commissions, agent billing and customers.
- A difference can be explained for journals entered to adjust the account Sales and Receivables.