Start by adding a payable
- Click Bills menu
- Click Enter bills submenu
- Click the (+) new button
- Choose the company from the dropdown list
- Choose the vendor by clicking the magnifying glass button
- Choose the voucher type
- Enter the order date entering on the field or choose from the calendar icon
- Click (+) start new
- Click click here to add a new row
In entering a bill, sometimes user choose an office where the expenses made will be charged.
- Select the office from the dropdown list
- Select the account what is the expense to be charged
- Enter the description of the expense made
- Enter the amount
To go from one field to another and finish entering a line charge in the bill, press tab key until cursor returns to the beginning of the line.
Sometimes, when user enter a bill, instead of charging the office, user charges the expenses to an agent.
- Select an agent from the dropdown list
- The account 6-1001 - Agent Personal exp will automatically put in the field
- Enter the description of the expenses charged to the agent
- Enter the amount
User may charge multiple agents by selecting different agents on each line of the payable. User can also charge the same agent multiple times with different amounts or descriptions on each line.
Sometimes, the charge to an agent is associated to a property address. To add the property address in the details:
- Double-click the property field
- Enter a portion of the property address
- Click search
- Double-click the property address

- Property address will be added in the bill
Sample of entering multiple agents on one payable.
User can also charge multiple agents on the same bill. For instance, charges to Amity Brewer and Adrienne Beaury were entered on the same bill.
- Click the post button when done entering the bill
A bill may contain a combination of charges to different offices and agents.
Charge agents now instead of waiting for monthly billing
Sometimes, instead of waiting for the monthly billing cycle, user want to charge an agent now for the items you just entered into a payable.
To charge the agent now that was entered in the bill
- Click the invoice now button
- Click the yes button
Message box will display that the 2 invoice has been created successfully. Invoice was created.

To confirm if the invoice has been created successfully, we may look the details of the agent (since agents are also customers) and see how much they owe.
- Click the People button at the top of the screen
- Click the search button
- Enter the name of the Agent
- Select Agent as the type of person from the dropdown list
- Click the agent
- Click the Billing submenu to open
- Find the invoice that was created from the Pay Now button on Payables. Click the invoice hyperlink to open.
Repeat the steps to confirm if the invoice has been created successfully for the other agent.