Darwin Cloud

Posting Commission Process Validation

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When posting a transaction in darwin Cloud, there are some things that the system needs to check before the posting goes through.

Types of process validation and how to fix it

  • When Cobroke commission will be paid, the Cobroke commission needs to be filled in.


This validation error means that pay cobroke is checked in property commission however cobroke commission fields are blank.

To fix:

  1. Enter the cobroke commission or uncheck the pay cobroke checkbox
  2. Click save

Then try to post the transaction again.

  • We have the Buyer side of this transaction, but the Sell side agents are missing


This validation error means:

  1. There's an adjusted sell commission amount in Agent Net Sell screen
  2. Cobroke commission % is filled out

To fix:

  1. Remove the cobroke commission %
  2. Click save
  1. Go to Agent Net Sell
  2. Double check the adjusted sell commission - amount should be $0.00
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