Darwin Cloud

How Do I Customize Commission Checks?

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Customizing Commission Checks

To create a commission check

On Tools menu

  1. Click the new button
  2. Enter name of the check in the field. This time, commission check will be created
  3. Select the check type from the drop-down list. Commission is the selected check type
  4. Check the box if you want to use a check template.
  5. Select the template from the drop-down list.
  6. Click the add button

Commission Check merge fields:

  1. {listBreakdown} displays deductions from the agent's list side commission
  2. {sellBreakdown} displays deductions from the agent's sell side commission
  3. {totals} displays totals on the agent's profile that are flagged to display on checks

Commission Checks: Selecting Commission Deductions to Display

Selecting the deductions that should be displayed on the checks is done on the Formulas tab under the Deduct types submenu:

  1. Click Formulas
  2. Click Deduct types
  3. Use the show on checks checkbox to select deductions to select and deselect deductions that should or should not display on checks
  4. Click save

The first 15 deductions are the ones that are potentially pulled by the merge fields {listBreakdown} and {sellBreakdown}

Commission Checks: Selecting Agent Totals to Display

Agent totals are designed on the Totals screen and added to agent profiles under People > Commissions.  Totals must be added to an agent's profile in order for them to appear on the check.

To add a total to an agent's profile:

  1. Click People
  2. Click Commission
  3. Click add tracking totals
  4. Type in the description field to filter results
  5. Check the checkbox next to the total to be added
  6. Click add
  7. Choose from options on where the totals will be saved
    • save for only this agent
    • save for agents on the same commission plan
    • save for agents in the same office
    • save for agents in the same company
    • save for all agents
    • save for terminated agents
  8. Click save

Understanding Totals:

AG - Agent Generated

OG - Office Generated

Trans Count - the general term for Units, Sides, or the number of transactions processed 

Click the hyperlink of the total's name to view the parameters used in calculating the value

The second step of setting up totals can be done before or after they are added to the agent's profile

  1. Click Formulas
  2. Click Totals
  3. Search the total by name or type a keyword
  4. Click the total on the list to open the record
  5. Update the name of the total to reflect the terms your company uses
  6. Click save

Customizing Payables Checks

To create another check template

  1. Click the new button
  2. Enter name of the check in the field. This time, payable check will be created
  3. Select the check type from the drop-down list. Payable is the selected check type
  4. Check the box if user want to use a check template from master
  5. Select template from the drop-down list
  6. Click add

The new layout will now display on the check template drop-down list

The merge field {WCCheckDetail} displays the details of the payables

Delete a Check Template

To delete the check template you have created

  1. Select a check template from the drop-down list
  2. Click the delete button
  3. Click yes to confirm
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