Darwin Cloud

New Feature to Send MLS name to Dash for Moxiworks Integration

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The new Moxiworks Integration with Anywhere* (Realogy) now requires a specific code for each MLS or association to be used when sending the agent’s MLSID to Dash.

This value should be filled in automatically for most of the MLS feeds.

However, there are a few feeds where we are not able to match the code value automatically and need to be reviewed to select the appropriate value for Dash and Moxiworks.

Some of the feeds are the following MLS or associations:

  • MichRIC feed has one feed for MLS but Dash or Moxiworks has the individual associations.
  • Trestle is a product by the company called CoreLogic. This is the method that provides multiple MLS feeds to AccountTECH. If the customer has more than one Trestle in the darwin Cloud, it may not be able to assign the correct value automatically.
  • California Regional MLS feed is a general value for CRMLS in darwin cloud however Dash or Moxiworks also has the labels for the specific associations.

How do I add agent MLSID?

To add the agent MLSID in person/agent's profile in darwin Cloud:

  1. Go to People
  2. Search the agent record
  3. Click People links
  4. Click plus button to add the MLSID
  5. Select the feed Type
  6. Select the MLS source
  7. Enter the MLSID
  8. Select the correct Association/MLS name in Step 3: submit as (this is for Realogy customers only)
  9. Click add

Business Rule Violation(s) has occurred. : MLS Board Id/Code is invalid.

This error occurs when the agent has been submitted to Dash with an invalid MLS name.

To fix:

  1. Go to People
  2. Search the agent record
  3. Click People links
  4. Click the added MLSID
  5. Select the correct Association/MLS name in Step 3: Submit as
  6. Click save
  7. Click submit
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