Darwin Cloud

Super Fast Agent Billing

Updated on

Agent billing in darwin Cloud is fast … really fast.  

The Agent billing wizard in darwin Cloud has been updated, has a new look and turbo-charged for speed.  In the video below we are going to take a look at the updates to the screens of the wizard and we are going to run a large batch of agent invoices - with a stop watch running.

It's always been quick to generate agent bills in darwin, but in darwin Cloud it's super fast.

The idea is to run a speed test to prove the performance and try to establish this benchmark: Just how many invoices can the new darwin Cloud make per second.

The goal is to create technology that can make at least 30 invoices per second.

To use Agent Billing Wizard

  1. Click Sales
  2. Click Invoice
  3. Click agent billing
  1. Click Agents
  2. Click next
  1. Choose company to bill
  2. Choose an office or select all
  1. Check off the box next to agents to be billed or select all
  2. Check off the box next to terminated agents (Optional)
    • as user check or uncheck this box, the number of agents to invoice keeps changing
  3. Enter order date
  4. Click next

Choose from the options below:

  1. What do you want include in the new invoices?
    • include recurring billing items
    • include reimburseable items
  2. The invoice must be created as:
    • posted
    • unposted
  3. Click confirm
  1. 527 invoices were made for 32 seconds
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