Darwin Cloud

Simple Goal Setting for Agents

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darwin Cloud has figured out how to calculate agent goals automatically. The new goals calculator for Agents just asks agents:"What are your goals for this year?"

Using that information, darwin Cloud looks at the seasonality for the office where the agent works. darwin Cloud knows which are the busiest months and which months are the slowest. Based on that historical information, it automatically calculates the monthly goal an agent has to reach to have a successful year.

Goals gives the motivation and accountability we all need to succeed. The graphs agents see about themselves include: 

  • Adjusted Gross Commission 
  • Net Commission earnings 
  • New Listings per month 
  • New Contracts written 
  • Year over Year transaction volume 
  • Year over Year transaction sides

With darwin Cloud for agents, each agent can set their personal production goals. Then each day when they log into darwin Cloud, they will see their actual personal production numbers compared to both their goals and their production from the prior year

Once the agent see the last year's numbers and have an idea of the goals they want to set for themselves for the current year, they can now add goals to darwin Cloud.

To Add Goals

  1. Click Add Goals hyperlink
    • there will be a new window to appear where agents can type in their goals for the current year
  1. In the Gross commission column, enter the gross commission goal for the current year
  2. Click the refresh button next to the $ amount
    • this will automatically compute the annual number entered and will divide it to 12 months of the year, based on the production averages for the seasonality of the agent's office
  3. In the Net commission column, enter the net commission goal to earn by the end of the year
  4. Click the refresh button next to the $ amount
    • this will automatically compute the $ net amount entered and will divide it to 12 months of the year, based on the production averages for the seasonality of the agent's office
  5. In the New listings column, enter number of listings goal for the current year
  6. Click the refresh button
  7. In the New pending transactions column, enter the number of pending to contract goal to write for the current year
  8. Click the refresh button
  9. Click save
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