Darwin Cloud

Reclassify Expenses: On Bills Even If They're Posted and Paid

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Users don’t have to create complex adjusting journal entries. Users don’t need to Unpost or UnReconcile bills and payments.

Even if a bill is already paid - and even if the payment has cleared the bank - you can fix the expense categorization on the original bill. 

The reality is: everyone makes mistakes when expensing bills.  Usually no one notices until the financial are posted.  Then, someone is looking at the Profit and Loss vs Budget, and they see some expense account that seems “out of whack”.

Now obviously, users can’t change something in a locked period (unless your CFO unlocks the period) - but this gives a simple way to fix mistakes. Because darwin Cloud has complete and detailed audit logs, if you ever need to know who fixed the entry.  All the audit details are saved too!

Search and review a bill that was previously entered in darwin Cloud

  1. Click Bills menu
  2. Click search button
  3. Choose company from the dropdown list
  4. Enter the vendor using the magnifying glass
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  5. Click search
  1. See that the bill has already been paid and there is no balance due
  1. Click payments tab
    • it will show the payments details
  2. Click the payment id hyperlink
    • it will show the actual payment made
  1. Click voucher id hyperlink to go back to the bill
  1. See that there are three bills are expensed to the same GL accounts (6-2005 -Office Lease)
  2. See that there are different expenses billed to the same account

Reclassify Expenses

To reclassify expense

  1. Click reclassify expenses hyperlink
  1. Modify by clicking on the accounts and choosing from the dropdown list
  2. Modify by clicking on the description and type in changes
  3. Click save

With the example above, amounts were not changed. But users can change the numbers, remove or add new lines so long as the amount still add up to the total that user started with.

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