Darwin Cloud

How Do I Delete a Credit Invoice or Overpayment

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When a Credit Invoice is created in darwin Cloud, the software creates two corresponding records: a record of the Credit Invoice (on the screen Sales > Invoices) and a payment (on the screens Sales > Edit Payments, as well as on the screen Banking > Deposit > Add Undeposited).

To preserve the integrity of these records, there are safeguards within the software that prevent a credit invoice from being deleted if the payment has been deposited in the bank, or if the credit has been applied to pay an invoice.

This article will include steps for how to remove the deposits and payment records that may be preventing the Credit Invoice from being deleted:

  1. Delete the bank deposit that contains the payment
  2. Delete any payment record where credit has been applied
  3. Delete the original payment record associated with the Credit Invoice

Step 1: Unpost and Delete Any Deposits

If the payment associated with the Credit Invoice was deposited, the deposit must be unposted and deleted before the software will allow the Credit Invoice to be removed.

To unpost and delete the deposit:

  1. Click Banking
  2. Click Deposit
  3. Use search to locate the needed deposit
  4. Click unpost

After unposting the deposit:

  1. Click delete
  2. Click yes

Step 2: Unpost and Delete Records of Applied Payments

If the Credit Invoice has been applied to an invoice, the record of the payment must be deleted in order to remove the Credit Invoice:

  1. Click Sales
  2. Click Edit payments
  3. Use search to locate the applied payment (this will be a record with a $0 balance)
  4. Select the payment record from the list
  5. Click unpost
  1. click delete
  2. click yes

Step 3: Delete the original payment record associated with the Credit Invoice

After any associated deposits or applied payments have been deleted, the Credit Invoice can be deleted  on the screen Sales > Edit Payments.  Unposting and deleting the payment will automatically remove the overpayment invoice as well.

To delete the overpayment:

  1. Click Sales
  2. Click Edit payments
  3. Use search to locate the linked payment (this record will show the amount associated with the payment)
  4. Select the correct payment from the list
  5. Click unpost
  1. Click delete
  2. Click yes
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