Darwin Cloud

AccountTECH Customer Support Portal: Sign in

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Already a member? Sign in

  1. Go to https://accounttech.zohodesk.com/portal/en/signin
  2. Ensure that user is on Sign in tab
  3. Enter Email Address
  4. Enter Password
  5. User may check off the box next to Remember me (optional)
  6. Click Sign in
  1. Upon Signing in, user will be directed to the AccountTECH Customer Support Home Portal
  2. Use the search bar to locate tickets you are associated with

Click My Area tab to access a more categorized ticket view:

  1. Department
  2. Priority
  3. Channel
  4. Status

(1) Click the circle icon that has the user initial to either (2) View Profile or (3) Logout.

If the user opted to View Profile, he will be directed to a new screen where the user can do the following:

  1. Edit Profile
  2. Change Password
  3. Delete Profile

To Change Password:

  1. Enter Current Password
  2. Enter New Password
  3. Confirm New Password
  4. Click Update
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