Darwin Cloud

Some percentage then LESS a value from the screen

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It is not common, but some Deduction rules need this use case:

First, Calculate Gross commission x  some %.   OR
First, Calculate Gross commission - 8% off the top THEN  x some %

so far, this is a normal calculation.

But what if, after that calculation is complete, there's a rule that need to then subtract some previously calculated value (like contribution to Charity or contribution to an Advertising bank)

In that case, do this formula:

The first calculation is in () to identify that this multiplication should be done first:

=( [Gross Commission]  * .92)

Then the next multiplication is times the % from the Agent profile

=( [Gross Commission] *0.92) * [Agent profile - Company  $ (%)])

Finally, a value from the screen is subtracted.  In formulas it is standard that multiplication happens before subtraction so in this case, the result of the part in () is multiplied time the Agent profile % - and then finally, the value from the screen [Ad bank list] is subtracted after all the multiplication is complete:

 =( [Gross Commission] *0.92) * [Agent profile - Company  $ (%)]) - [Charity]

To add this:

  1. Click Formulas
  2. Click Deduction rules
  3. Click Company $
  4. Click new button

From the popup window

Step 1: choose deduction type is automatically filled

  1. Click next button

Step 2: choose name and sort order

  1. Enter rule name
  2. Sort order sequence is 1
  3. Click next button

Step 3: apply this rule for only one side OR select ALL if this rule applies when Agent is on either side

  1. Choose All for side
  2. Click next button

Step 4: only apply this rule to agents where the commission plans or subplans meet these criteria

  1. Choose a commission plan that needs this rule from the dropdown, example for this
  2. Choose all to include all agent commission subplan
  3. Click next button

Step 5: apply these additional filters that are based on Side and subplan on the Property screen

  1. Choose all to include all property list side commission subplan
  2. Choose ALL to include all property sell side commission subplan
  3. Click next button

Step 6: apply this rule when the transaction type and accounting codes match these settings

  1. Choose all to include all transaction types (IH, OL, Rental, etc )
  2. Choose all to include all accounting code
  3. Click next button

Step 7: apply these rule criteria for the lead generation and the source of the lead

  1. Choose all to include agent generated and office generated
  2. Choose all to include all seller source
  3. Choose allto include all buyer source
  4. Click next button

Step 8: apply this rule only to agents in these offices

  1. Choose all to include all offices
  2. Click next button

Step 9: apply additional complex criteria for this rule

  1. Leave the advance criteria blank then click the next button

Step 10: formula type

  1. Choose percentage based
  2. Click next button

Step 11: apply this formula for this rule

  1. Click the ellipsis button for percentage field to enter the formula
  1. Enter the percentage
  2. Click save button

Step 11: apply this formula for this rule

  1. Click the ellipsis button for formula is field to enter the formula
  1. Double click on the merge field to add it in the formula field
  2. Click save button

Step 11: apply this formula for this rule

  1. Click next button

Step 12: CAP definition - if there is a CAP, which Total should be used to evaluate if Agent has reached CAP

  1. Skip this step and click the finish button
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