Darwin Cloud

How Do I Bill One Agent for their Charges

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Check if the agent has any charges that have not been invoiced yet

These steps are for invoicing an agent for charges they owe the company which have not been invoiced yet.  Remember, they may also have prior invoices that they have not paid yet.

To search for an expense that needs to be billed to an agent:

  1. Click People menu
  2. Click search to locate the agent
  3. Filter the person type to Agent
  4. Click the search button
  5. Click the name to select the agent

To identify whether the agent owes something to the company

  1. Click the Billing submenu

This page will show some items that should be billed:

  1. All months or;
  2. Certain month

To know whether there are expenses that are yet to be recovered

  1. Click the Exp recovery submenu

The page will show:

  1. Expenses to recover
    • these are expenses that the company have paid for the agent and are not invoiced yet to the agent (this needs to charged to the agent)
  2. Items that are already recovered

To make a bill for one agent for the items from Billing and Exp recovery sections :

  1. Click the Sales menu
  2. Click agent billing
  1. Choose Agents
  2. Click next
  1. Select the company
  2. Select the office
  3. Choose the agent by clicking the check box
  4. Click next
  1. To include both recurring charges and reimbursable items, keep the two items checked
  2. Select posted
  3. Click confirm
  1. The next screen will show the user the confirmation of the invoice created
  2. Click close

The invoice created is saved and posted.

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