Darwin Cloud

Intorduction to Company Store

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Coming soon to darwin Cloud: Company Store

Watch for upcoming training classes on the newest feature:  Company Store

Most brokerages have some items they sell to agents.  It might be something as small as color copies or postage stamps.  Or it might be something expensive like a full-page ad in the New York Times.  Maybe you sell company branded swag or yard signs that you buy in bulk and then sell to the Agents ?

Some offices even have entire marketing departments that do design and print work for the agents.  The one thing that all these possibilities have in common is that they are orders that need to be filled - and there are invoices to the agents that need created and paid.

darwin Cloud now makes this work automatic.  From darwin Cloud for agents, the agents can order products from your Company store.

Pre-Pay for a purchase from the store

When you list an item for sale in your Company Store, you might require that the agent pay for the item in advance.  If that's your requirement, then the agents will be able to pay right in darwin Cloud.  For your accounting department, what this means is that the agent's purchase from you store is already invoiced, paid and showing on your company Profit & Loss statement - and the agent's invoice statement ... all without your staff needing to make any accounting entries.

Use MLS photos - or upload photos from your computer

Some of the items your marketing department sells in the store might need artwork.  In the darwin Cloud Company store, an agent can choose to use the photos that are already loaded into darwin from the MLS.  But of course they can also use other photos from their computer.

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