Darwin Cloud

Import Credit Card charges

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Now, you can import your Credit card expenses into darwin Cloud.

There are 3 different ways to import credit card charges into darwin Cloud. This video shows how to import credit card charges as Journal entries. Each of the 3 different ways to import credit cards have different benefits - and we will cover each of them in their own video.

No matter what credit cards you use in your company, they all offer an excel export of the statement for each billing period.  

Users can download darwin’s approved template from within darwin Cloud.  Then, it’s fast and easy to take your credit card export file - and copy & paste it into darwin’s template. 

User will find that importing your credit card expenses saves hours of work each month - it’s likely that user will save this month’s credit card template and just re-use it next month - since most people tend to have mostly similar credit card charges from month-to-month.

One of the main benefits of importing credit card charges from excel is that it allows you to link each line item in the statement to a particular supplier.  This isn’t possible if you simply write a check to your credit card company.  When you just record a payment to your credit card company, then the payee is the credit card company - and you can’t run reports on how much your spent with different suppliers on that month’s statement.  Importing credit card charges, as explained in this video, let’s you track credit card spending by supplier.

To import the credit card charges using your excel spreadsheet, please follow the steps below

  1. Go to Ledger
  2. Choose the sub menu Journal
  3. Click new
  4. Select the company
  5. Enter your reference
  6. Enter the journal date
  7. Click start

After clicking start, the system will open to a new screen.

  1. Click import
  1. Click Download template
  1. Copy and paste your information to this excel spreadsheet. After doing so, save it to your computer
  1. Go back to your darwin Cloud screen and click Select files...
  1. From your computer, select the excel spreadsheet that you want to upload
  1. Once confirmed that there are no errors and the import was successful, click add
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