Darwin Cloud

eRelocation API Integration

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You can now connect your eRelocation account and darwin.  darwin reduces the need to reissue checks because an agent did not tell you about a referral prior to closing by pulling customer data from eRelocation into darwin as buyer/seller records. When the customer is added to a property in darwin, the referral company and referral fee attach to the property, as well as notes about the referral.  Once you complete the initialization process in eRelocation, new agents, referral companies and 3rd party brokers will get pulled into eRelocation.  

eRelocation has the ability to pull information from darwin.  This 2 way sync allows agents and offices to be automatically created, terminated and updated in darwin and those changes will sync to eRelocation.  When you attach a buyer or seller record to a pending property in darwin, that started in eRelocation, eRelocation will notify the referral owner there are updates from darwin to review and accept in eRelocation to update the referral.  When that pending transaction closes in darwin, eRelocation will notify the referral owner there are updates from darwin to review and accept.

Getting started  

Phase one: linking darwin records in eRelocation

  • Open a ticket with eRelocation to request an API account.
  • eRelocation will send you a data sharing and billing authorization form. Once they receive that form back, eRelocation will send the API Key to [email protected] and start setting up the integration

From the support article by eRelocation https://www.erelocation.net/public/ (Erelocation login required) Text below may be out of date 

Once the integration has gone live, please follow these steps to complete the integration.

Step 1 - Agent Back Office IDs

eRelocation will maintain your "People - Edit" list for you via the AccountTECH / Darwin integration. In order to do so, though, we'll need for all existing "people" who are active to have their AccountTECH ID #s added to their people record in eRelocation, in the Backoffice Agent ID field.

When the integration launched, we made a "best effort" to match up agents - by name, email address, and mobile #.

For those agents who didn't match, we'll need for you to run the Backoffice ID Reconciliation Helper (please open a ticket with us to get it).

Once you open the Backoffice ID Reconciliation Helper, you'll see a list of people (primarily agents) who are active in your eRelocation, in the second column, and their office (as it is in eRelocation) in the first column.

In the fourth column, you'll see their backoffice ID # (if it was matched) in a text box, and the column prior to that will show who that ID # matches up to in Darwin.

If any person listed in here is no longer active, simply click their name, then click the "Save as Inactive" button, then close the new tab.

Scan the list of people in this list, and identify anyone missing a backoffice ID. In the textbox to the right, begin typing their name in, then click their name in the lookup. This will attach the ID # to the person's record, so that they can be linked up.

Skipping this step prior to us fully turning the integration on risks you ending up with duplicate people, which will create reporting issues for you. Please ensure all people who are in Darwin are linked up.

Step 2 - Office ID overrides

The second step is to ensure that all offices have an Office ID override in them, so that we can add new people to the correct office. Any office that doesn't have an Office ID override will cause new agents to show up in a placeholder office.

To perform this step, click Setup, Offices - Edit, then click the first office in there. Scroll to the "Office ID Override", and enter the office # in there. Click Save, then continue to the next office.

Step 3 - Congratulations - you have the most important steps completed

At this point, please open a ticket with us to turn the next phase on. The benefits of the next phase are:

  • New agents will be added automatically
  • Existing agents who move offices will be moved automatically
  • Departed agents will be deactivated automatically (we can notify you when someone has a referral that's still active when they leave the company - open a ticket with us if you would like this feature turned on)
  • A report is available to see the activity of what changed - clicked Reports, then run the Turnkey API report
  • Pendings and closings will be fed to eRelocation, and referral owners will be notified when a referral goes pending or closed. In addition, pending info and closing info can be imported quickly, once that data has been fed to eRelocation.
  • All of this data syncs once per day currently, although we anticipate that becoming more frequent in the future.

Step 4 - Third Party IDs on Referral Sources

When Darwin imports a referral prospect from eRelocation, we will communicate the referral fee, the referral source, and the referring firm. However, because Darwin can't match up by name (nor would it be wise for them to even attempt it), we have to be able to communicate by Darwin's referral company ID #s.

To set by referral source, click Setup, Referral Sources, then click the first one you see.

Scroll to the "Third Party ID", and begin typing the company's name. This will do a search against Darwin's referral companies, click on the correct company to pay when we have a referral from this company, and the ID will populate in the Third Party ID. Click Save.

What this allows for is when eRelocation communicates a referral to Darwin (let's say it's a hypothetical company - ABC Mobility), we can communicate the name of the company, and the referral fee, but even more important, it links up the correct company to pay automatically, including the address, and the tax ID for 1099 purposes. All referral sources that you pay referral fees to should have a third party ID, aside from generic sources such as "Broker-to-Broker - Other/Non-Network", "RMC - Other", etc.

Step 5 - Third Party IDs in the Address Book

This step is a little more tedious, but easy to do if you approach it right.

Just like referral sources, we also pay referral fees to firms in the address book.

To set one third party ID on one single company, click Setup, Address Book. Click the firm you want to edit. In that screen that pops up, you can lookup the company's name in third party ID, click the correct one, then click Save.

Very tedious.

To make this easier, we have a tool called the Address Book Third Party ID Reconciliation Helper (open a ticket with us for access).

This has a list of address book companies on the left, and the ID that corresponds to Darwin on the right. Use the text box on the right to lookup a company in Darwin's referral company table.

While your address book may be large, not every firm needs an ID, at least right away. Don't focus on any companies that you have a referral source for - those are already covered. Focus on brokerages, especially those that you get a heavier volume from.


With the above steps completed, you are taking full advantage of the integration between eRelocation and Darwin.

Phase 2: eRelocation Turns on Agent/office Sync and Property sync

Once eRelocation confirms the integration is set up on their end, follow the steps in the eRelocation Help Center  AccountTECH / Darwin Integration - Post Activation Steps.

Once you have completed those steps, eEelocation will turn the integration live and notify AccountTECH to proceed with turning on the integration.

Phase 3: Configure the referral import in Darwin with AccountTECH's Integration team

  • Schedule a meeting to review your custom feed settings with AccountTECH's Integration department after the following have been completed:
    • eRelocation has sent AccountTECH the API key
    • eRelocation has filled in the agent Back Office IDs
    • You have filled in the Back Office IDs for Referral Sources and Address Book
  • At the meeting we will:
    • Review that the Back Office IDs for Referral Sources and Address Book are filled in correctly
    • Review what eRelocation statuses you want to pull into darwin
    • What eRelocation fields you want to update darwin
    • What eRelocation Books of Business match what Darwin Lead Sources
    • Review if you want eRelocation to pull info from darwin
      • Automatically or after review
      • At what time(s)
    • How to use the darwin dashboard to identify when you have pending properties that might be missing a referral

eRelocation Referrals

This feed creates and updates Buyer/Seller records in darwin from the referral info in eRelocation including:

  • Book of Business
  • Broker Name
  • Other Firm
  • Third Party Referral
  • Referral Source
  • Incoming or Outgoing

We can pull leads where the status is:

  • 1-Received Not Placed
  • 2-Active
  • 5-Pending
  • 7-Listed

Incoming and Outgoing:

  •  Do you want AccountTECH to import the buyer/sellers from eRelocation on incoming referrals or outgoing referrals or both?

We match the Customer from the eRelocation to the Buyer/Seller Records in darwin:

  • First by Referral sequence ID
  • Then people are matched to existing darwin person records by:
    1. email address, firstname an lastname
    2. email address, companyName
    3. email address
    4. mobile phone, firstname an lastname
    5. mobile phone, companyName
    6. match by mobile phone
    7. first name and last name
    8. companyName

Note if you have agents who enter their agent email in as the customers primary email you will want to remove this matching as it can cause contacts to get over written because many referrals will have the same email address

Referral Company is attached to the customer by finding the personid in darwin:

  • From the Referral Source Back Office ID
  • If the Referral Source Back Office ID is blank, we match on the Other Firm Back Office ID
  • If neither are filled in, then the source and other firm info will be placed in the referral notes box
  • We do not add new Referral companies from the feed in order to reduce duplicate entries


You pick which eRelocation field should determine the lead source.  Most customers pick one of these eRelocation fields:

  • Book of business
  • Lead Source
  • Lead Subsource

Below is an example of how a customer record is imported.

Lead Sources

If you want the customer to import with the lead source filled in, we will need to set up transformations of your custom eRelocation Books of Business to your darwin Lead sources.  

Lead By Settings:

Many customers will use lead source or book of business to determine if the lead is office or agent generated.  Please let us know what lead sources or books of business are clear office generated leads and which are clear agent generated leads.  

Pull on demand

You can pull on demand based on the Referral id of the Customer.

Default Mapping for the Customer (Buyer/Seller) Feed

eRelocation Field Name Darwin Field name  Notes
Agent 1 Back Office ID assignedPersonID

Back Office ID on agent record matches person id of the agent.  This value is filled in by erelo during setup, but new agent person ids will need to be added to new eRelocation agents. You will add the agent in darwin and get the personid, then add the agent in eRelocation and fill in the agents third party id.

Customer Email emailAddress
Referral Key ID eReloId
Customer First Name firstName
Customer Last Name lastName
Book Of Business leadSourceID Each customer will need to determine which book of business goes to which darwin lead source
Mailing Address personAddress
Customer Home Phone personPhone
Customer Other Phone personPhone
Customer Cell Phone personPhone
Customer Work Phone personPhone
ReferralSourceThirdPartyID referralID We match this field to the darwin person id of referral companies if ReferralSourceThirdPartyID is not filled in eRelocation we then look at the otherFirmThirdPartyID 
Broker to Broker Referral Percentage referralPercentage We enter the sum of all the referrals in eRelocation (third party fee % + B2B Fee % + ReloFees1-6).  If there are multiple referrals on the closing, you will split up the referrals when you are getting ready to post.
The items below will show in the referral notes of the customer if they were filled in eRelocation.  This note will be shown when posting the property
Book Of Business
Commission Split
Incoming Or Outgoing
Last Edited By
Mortgage Comments
Other Firm Name
Private Comments
Property Address
Referral Source
Referring Agent Name
Referral Fee Percentage
Referral 2 Fee Percentage
Referral 3 Fee Percentage
Referral 4 Fee Percentage
Referral 5 Fee Percentage
Referral 6 Fee Percentage
Any  eRelocation field in the feed can be added or removed to the notes 

eRelocation - Properties feed

This is an optional feed and will usually not be used if you have eRelocation pulling property data from darwin

The eRelocation property feed will update existing property records in darwin that have a matching MLS # to the MLS # that is in eRelocation or a matching Referral Key ID from eRelocation to the eReloID in darwin.

If a match is found, the feed will insert any People that are entered on the referral in eRelocation while the property is still pending, including:

  • Buyer/Seller
  • Title Company
  • Escrow Company
  • Referring company
  • Referring Agent
  • Mortgage company 
  • Insurance Company
  • Home Warranty Company

We will also pull the estimated closing date and selling price if they were not already in darwin.

By default this feed will not create new properties in darwin only update existing records.

Listing and Selling agents from our company

  • Are matched to the properties by the Back Office ID in eRelocation to the personid  in darwin. 
  • The side is determined by the Listing/Selling Flag from eRelocation

Referral Company is attached to the property by finding the personid in darwin

  • From the Referral Source Back Office ID
  • If the Referral Source Back Office ID is blank, we match on the Other Firm Back Office ID
  • If neither are filled in, then the source and other firm info will be placed in the referral notes box of the Buyer/Seller.
  • The feed will not add new Referral companies from the feed in order to reduce duplicate entries

Escrow Company, Home Warranty Company, Insurance Company, Mortgage Company, Title Company and Referring Agent in eRelocation pull into darwin matching on: 

  1. ThirdPartyID to PersonID 
  2. email address, firstname an lastname
  3. email address, companyName
  4. email address
  5. mobile phone, firstname an lastname
  6. mobile phone, companyName
  7. match by mobile phone
  8. first name and last name
  9. companyName

Default Mapping for the Properties feed

eRelocation Field Name darwin Field Name  Update Rule
Property City city IF NULL
Closing Price commissionPrice IF NULL
Closing Date estimatedClosingDate IF NULL
Expiration Date expiredDate IF NULL
List Date listDate IF NULL
List Price listingPrice IF NULL
MLS Number mlsNumber1 IF NULL
Agent 1 Third Party ID List or Sell agent IF NULL
Closing Price sellingPrice IF NULL
Property State state IF NULL
Status statusID IF NULL
Property Address streetName IF NULL
Property Zip Code zip IF NULL
These people will be added as new person records if not match is found
Escrow Company propertyPeople ALWAYS
Home Warranty Company propertyPeople ALWAYS
Insurance Company propertyPeople ALWAYS
Mortgage Company propertyPeople ALWAYS
Referring Agent Name propertyPeople ALWAYS
Title Company propertyPeople ALWAYS
These people will be added to the property if they already exist in darwin
Customer First Name propertyPeople ALWAYS
Other Firm Name propertyPeople ALWAYS
ReferralSourceThirdPartyID propertyPeople ALWAYS

Pull Mode

  • Full: pulls all records that match the search criteria specified in the what to pull section that were added or modified in eRelocation back to the date in the since field. If no date is specified, the date is defaulted to 1 year ago
  • Incremental: pulls all records that match the search criteria specified in the what to pull section that were added or modified in eRelocation since the last time the feed was run plus the number of minutes in the overlap field.  If the feed runs at 3pm and 6pm and the overlap is set to 30 minutes, when the feed runs at 6pm it will get any records added or edited since 2:30pm.  If no overlap is specified the overlap is defaulted to 2 days (2880 minutes).

Complete eRelocation Field List

RefID Referral ID
RefSeqID Referral Key ID
ThirdPartyRefID Third Party Referral ID
BrokerID Broker ID
BrokerName Broker Name
StatusID Status ID
Status Status
StageID Stage ID
Stage Stage
BookOfBusinessID Book Of Business ID
BookOfBusiness Book Of Business
ReferralSourceID Referral Source ID
ReferralSource Referral Source
SubsouceID Subsource ID
Subsource Subsource
CommissionSplit Commission Split
CommissionSplitID Commission Split ID
CreationDate Created Date
CreatedBy Created By
LastEditedDate Last Edited Date
LastEditedBy Last Edited By
SideOfDeal Side Of Deal
IncomingOrOutgoing Incoming Or Outgoing
RegisteredCustomer Registered Customer
NameReq NameReq
Renter Renter
CustomFlag1 Custom Flag 1
CustomFlag2 Custom Flag 2
CustomFlag3 Custom Flag 3
CustomFlag4 Custom Flag 4
CustomFlag5 Custom Flag 5
CustomFlag6 Custom Flag 6
CustomFlag7 Custom Flag 7
CustomFlag8 Custom Flag 8
CustomFlag9 Custom Flag 9
CustomFlag10 Custom Flag 10
CustomFlag11 Custom Flag 11
CustomFlag12 Custom Flag 12
CustomFlag13 Custom Flag 13
CustomFlag14 Custom Flag 14
CustomClosingFlag1 Custom Closing Flag 1
CustomClosingFlag2 Custom Closing Flag 2
CustomClosingFlag3 Custom Closing Flag 3
CustomClosingFlag4 Custom Closing Flag 4
CustomClosingFlag5 Custom Closing Flag 5
CustomClosingFlag6 Custom Closing Flag 6
CustomClosingFlag7 Custom Closing Flag 7
CustomClosingFlag8 Custom Closing Flag 8
FirstName Customer First Name
LastName Customer Last Name
SecondaryFirstName Customer 2 First Name
SecondaryLastName Customer 2 Last Name
DisplayName Display Name
Agent1ThirdPartyID Agent 1 Third Party ID
Agent1EmailAddress Agent 1 Email Address
Agent1Name Agent 1 Name
Agent1OfficeName Agent 1 Office Name
Agent1OfficeID Agent 1 Office ID
Agent1CompanyID Agent 1 Company ID
Agent1ThirdPartyIDEmailOverride Agent 1 Third Party Email Override
Agent2ThirdPartyID Agent 2 Third Party ID
ActiveTimestamp Active Timestamp
PendingTimestamp Pending Timestamp
ClosingDate Closing Date
ClosingPrice Closing Price
ThirdPartyFeePct Third Party Fee Percentage
ThirdPartyFeeDollars Third Party Fee Dollars
B2BFeePct Broker to Broker Referral Percentage
B2BFeeDollars Broker to Broker Referral Fee
ReloFee1Pct Referral Fee Percentage
ReloFee1Dollars Referral Fee
ReloFee2Pct Referral 2 Fee Percentage
ReloFee2Dollars Referral 2 Fee
ReloFee3Pct Referral 3 Fee Percentage
ReloFee3Dollars Referral 3 Fee 
ReloFee4Pct Referral 4 Fee Percentage
ReloFee4Dollars Referral 4 Fee
ReloFee5Pct Referral 5 Fee Percentage
ReloFee5Dollars Referral 5 Fee
ReloFee6Pct Referral 6 Fee Percentage
ReloFee6Dollars Referral 6 Fee
Agent1CommDollars Agent 1 Commission
Agent1BonusDollars Agent 1 Bonus
Agent2CommDollars Agent 2 Commission
Agent2BonusDollars Agent 2 Bonus
FunctionCommission Function Commission
TotalGrossCommission Total Gross Commission
MailAddress Mailing Address
MailCity Mailing City
MailState Mailing Zip State
MailZip Mailing Zip Code
MailCountryName Mailing County
MLSNumber MLS Number
ListedDate List Date
ListedPrice List Price
ExpirationDate Expiration Date
PropertyCounty Mailing County
BMAValue Estimated Property Value
PropertySubdivision Property Subvision
PropertyAddress Property Address
PropertyCity Property City
PropertyState Property State
PropertyZip Property Zip Code
PropertyCountryName Property Country Name
TransactionAddress Transaction Address
TransactionCity Transaction City
TransactionState Transaction State
TransactionZip Transaction Zip Code
CustomerHomePhone Customer Home Phone
CustomerOtherPhone Customer Other Phone
CustomerPriWorkPhone Customer Work Phone
CustomerSecWorkPhone Customer 2 Work Phone
CustomerPriCell Customer Cell Phone
CustomerSecCell Customer 2 Cell Phone
CustomerPriEmail Customer Email
CustomerSecEmail Customer 2 Email
PrivateComments Private Comments
ReferralComments Referral Comments
ClosingComments Closing Comments
MortgageComments Mortgage Comments
MortgageCo Mortgage Company
TitleCo Title Company
EscrowCo Escrow Company
InsuranceCo Insurance Company
HomeWarrantyCo Home Warranty Company
ReferringAgentName Referring Agent Name
ReferringAgentPhone Referring Agent Phone Number
PriFileNum Prior File Number
SecFileNum Secondary File Number
OtherFirmName Other Firm Name
OtherFirmThirdPartyID Other Firm Third Party ID
OtherFirmAddress Other Firm Address
OtherFirmCity Other Firm City
OtherFirmState Other Firm State
OtherFirmZip Other Firm Zip
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