Darwin Cloud

Short Videos - Chart of Accounts / Commission GL

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Training Task Group 12 - Chart of Accounts / Commission GL

In darwin, users may customize their the Chart of Accounts. Some customers may be integrated with Quickbooks, in which case the two must be exact matches. Commission deduction GL accounts are editable as well. Each commission deduction may have it's own GL account. Chart of Accounts adding and editing happens in the Ledger menu. Training Tasks Group 12 will show users how to add and edit items in their Chart of Accounts.  

Due to recent updates of the darwin software, some screens have changed. Please know that the written steps will be accurate, what you see on the video may show a slightly different screen.

It is important to note: Never use the same property or person record for different tests. If a property or person record has already been used by yourself or a co-worker, select a different record to perform your Training Task. Failure to follow these rules will keep either you or one of your co-workers from getting full credit for completing the Training Task. 


  • 12.11 Add a GL Account


  • 12.12 Edit an existing Account Name


  • 12.13 Add a Bank Account


  • 12.14 Edit GL Accounts for Accounting Code

(Video coming soon!)


  • 12.15 Add a new Accounting code

(Video coming soon!)


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