Darwin Cloud

Agent Teams

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Agent teams are setup in darwin Cloud for reporting purposes.

User may also need Agent teams to be setup with the franchise. Log into the franchise website to setup the Agent teams.  darwin Cloud can deliver Agents to the franchise, but user need to log into the franchise website to link Agent's together as a team.

To add Agents to a team in darwin Cloud, user first need to create the team in darwin Cloud. Once a team has been created, user can add any Agent to any team.

To setup a new Agent team

  1. Click Dropdowns menu
  2. Click People sub menu
  3. On the right side of the screen click: Agent Teams
  4. Click new
  5. Enter team name
  6. Click save

Once the Teams are setup, user can add any Agent to any team.

  1. Click People menu
  2. Click search to find the agent
  3. Click Agent Basics sub menu
  4. Select an agent team from the dropdown list
  5. Click save
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