Darwin Cloud

How do I Add or Update Agent Billing

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To add more data to an Agent profile, search for the agent you want to modify

  1. Click the People menu
  2. Click the search button
  1. Type some portion of the agent name
  2. Select Agent from the drop-down list to limit People types in the search results
  3. Click search
  4. Click the name of the agent
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
  1. Navigate to any billing submenu listed on the left side of the screen
  2. Modify or Add any data as needed
  3. Remember to always click save when done making all the changes required 

To add more billable items to an Agent profile, click the Plus ( + ) button that is next to the label: recurring billable items

  1. Click the + button

A new screen will popup that shows the master list of billable items for your company.  

  1. Select as many items from the list as you want
  2. Or Select All the items with the checkbox at the top
  3. Click the Add button to put your selections on the Agent profile

After adding new items to the agent profile, you need to save the new items

  1. Click the Save button

Recurring billable items that have been added to the agent profile, can be modified in many ways. These modifications only affect the items on the agent profile. The changes do not change the company master billing items list

  1. Change the description in any way that will make the charge more clear to the agent
  2. You can change the account used to recognize the charge on the company financial reports
  3. You can modify the amount of the charge
  4. You can change the charge column so that an item will be billed only in one month as opposed to All Months
  5. You can change the sort order which will modify the order in which items appear on the agent bill
  6. You can apply as start date and end date to the charge
  7. Click save when you are done editing to retain your changes
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