Now, when users log into darwin Cloud, they won't use Citrix.
They won't even need to have Citrix security software installed on their computer. People that have used AccountTECH within the last 20 years are used to having secure logins protected by Citrix.
But now, when users log into darwin Cloud, users will no longer use Citrix. They won't even need to have Citrix security software installed on their computer. Here are a few videos that will show you how to setup and use 2 factor authentication and login to darwin Cloud.
Set Up 2 Factor Authentication
Go to and enter your username and password.
If this is user's first time logging in user will be prompted to put in phone number under 2-factor Authentication Setup
- Enter user name
- Enter password
- Click login

darwin Cloud will recognize that it is the first time user logs in to the system, user must change the temporary password to a new one.
- Enter the new password
- Confirm or re-enter the new password
- Click save

- Select user's country code
- Enter user's phone number
- Please ensure that there are no spaces nor dashes, when the phone number is entered
- Click send

User should get a message like this:
(781) 661-56329:07 AM
Welcome to Darwin Cloud 2-Factor Authentication Setup. Please enter the following verification code in Darwin Cloud to validate your mobile device.
Verification code: 6417
- Enter the verification code on the field
- Click verify
- User will get a confirmation message and be prompted to login, Click HERE hyperlink to log in

Log into darwin Cloud with 2 Factor Authentication
- Enter username
- Enter password
- Click login

- Confirm that device number is correct
- Click Send code via SMS

User shall receive a the verification code on their mobile device. Take note of the verification code, the go back to darwin Cloud

- Enter the verification code
- Click login

Dashboard > Overview will be the first screen the user will see in darwin Cloud.
If user finds any bugs, ask a question or have feedback regarding darwin Cloud
- Click on the "Give us your feedback" at the bottom of the screen
- Fill out the form
- The form will let you attach screenshots to help clarify the issue
- Click Submit when done
Please remember there are many features that are not deployed yet. Users should see "This section is under construction".