Darwin Cloud

EscrowCheck Role

Updated on

Purpose of the role

It may be necessary to allow many users to access the Properties > Escrow tab to enter escrow deposits.  However, not all of these users will need access to write checks out of the escrow account.

The EscrowCheck role gives users specific permission to the "write escrow check" button on the Properties > Escrow.

EscrowCheck Role vs. Write Escrow Check action

Users can be given access to write escrow checks either by assigning the EscrowCheck role to the user's profile, or by enabling the "Properties > Escrow > Write Escrow Check" action on one of their assigned roles.

When to use the EscrowCheck role:

  • When a role is defined for a group of users, and only some users in the group need access to write escrow checks

When to use the Write Escrow Check action:

  • When every user assigned to a specific role should have the ability to write escrow checks
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