To add a new buyer or seller into darwin Cloud, take the following steps:
Fill out the person details:
- Click People menu
- Click new button to start adding a new buyer or seller
- Choose Buyer/Seller from the drop down list of person type
- Fill out the first name and last name
- Enter email address
- Select the type from the drop down list
- Enter phone number
- Click next up to Step 3

- From the address type drop down list select Mailing
- Fill out the address (street #, dir, street name, designation, suffix, suite/apt, build floor #, city state and zip) some fields are optional or as needed
- Click next to proceed

Fill out the options field:
- Select source from the drop down list
- Select lead by from the drop down list
- Select division from the drop down list
- Enter tax id (optional)
- Click add to save

Enter additional info on these fields:
- Select the entity type from the drop down list
- Fill out the birthday from the calendar icon
- Select gender from the drop down list
- Write in the general notes anything that will be useful to remember about the buyer
- Click save
To add phone number:
- Click the + button next to phone numbers
- Select phone type, choose country code & enter phone number
- Click add to save another phone number
To add addresses:
- Click + button next to addresses
- Select address type from the drop down list
- Fill out the address and some of the field as needed (street number, direction , street name, street designation, suffix, app/suit number, floor number, city, state, zip country)
- Click add to save
If the buyer and seller was came from a referral company:
- Click the magnifying glass button in referral company field to look for the referral company.
- Type name of the referral company
- Click search
- Click the referral hyperlink
- Fill in the referral percentage by typing in the field.
- 25% will be the referral charge of the company
- To assign the buyer or customer to an agent, click the magnifying glass button
- Write notes for referral notes box
- Click the save button after adding details in People basics