To add a new partner into darwin Cloud, take the following steps:
- Click People menu
- Click the new button and start adding a new partner
To add contact information of the company fill out person details:
- Select Title Company (or any other person type) on the person type drop down list
- Click select
- First name and last name fields are fill out as needed
- Fill out company name
- Enter email address
- Select Business from the type drop down list
- Enter the phone number
- Click next until step 3

Office field is optional to fill out, click next to add the company address
- Select Billing under address type drop down list
- Fill out the address details in the fields as needed (street #, dir, street name, designation, suffix, suite/apt, build floor #, city, state zip)
- Click add to save
NOTE: Options field is optional to fill out.

After entering the details and saved -
- Enter the url of the company
- Enter general notes for company's profile
- Click save
To add a phone numbers
- Click the + symbol next to phone numbers
- Select mobile from the phone type dropdown list
- Select country code
- Enter the phone number
- Click add to save
To add the other phone numbers of the company, just click the + symbol and repeat the steps.