Our Listing - CoBroke sale
Note that for a transaction that is Our Listing - CoBroke sale, the checkbox next to our seller is checked off, and the checkbox next to our buyer is not checked off
- Open the Commission page for any property
- Enter the selling price
- The commission price will automatically be filled in, but you can change its value by typing in the comm price field
- For instance, the commission price was changed to $490,000
- Enter the percent value for the listing commission in the % field and the gross commission will be computed automatically, or enter the gross commission on the amount field and the percent value will be computed automatically
- for instance, 3% is the commission and will automatically compute the 3% of the commission price of $490,000 which is $14,700
- Click the save button
If your office requires you to track cobroke commission,
- Fill in the percentage (% ) value and the dollar ($) amount will be computed automatically or the other way around
- Click the box for pay cobroke if the office will pay a check with the amount stated to the cobroke office. Otherwise, uncheck the box
- Click the save button
Adding agents
Before you started working on the Commission page, a user may have entered all the agents on the Agent submenu page - using these steps:
- Click the Agents submenu
- To add an agent, click the the plus (+) button
- Search for an agent by clicking the magnifying glass button
- Enter a portion of agent's name
- Ensure to filter type by agent using the drop down list
- Click search
- Click agent's name
- Enter the percent of award
- Enter the percent of adjusted gross
- Click the save button
The agent added to the Agents page will also be added to the list of agents in the Commission page
To add an agent to the adjusted list commission,
- Click the Commission submenu
- To add an agent, click the the plus (+) button
- Search for an agent by clicking the magnifying glass button
- Enter a portion of agent's name
- Ensure to filter type by agent using the drop down list
- Click search
- Click agent's name
- Enter the percent of adjusted gross
- Enter the percent of award
- Click add
If agents are not added, user can add/modify agents on the transaction on the Commission page - using these steps:

As new agents are added on the list, the $ % column and award % column will adjust and keep a total of 100% allocation for both the amount and the award
The list of agents in the Commission page will be the same list of agents in Agents page.
To add a CoBroke agent and office
- Click the Commission sub menu
- To add an cobroke agent, click the the plus (+) button next to cobroke commission amount
- Search for cobroke agent by clicking the magnifying glass button
- Enter a portion of cobroke agent's name
- Ensure to filter type by CoBroke Agent using the drop down list
- Click search
- Click agent's name
- Click add
Cobroke office will automatically be filled in once cobroke agent is selected

The cobroke office and cobroke agent will be added on the list.
CoBroke Listing - Our Buyer
In the Commission page for a CoBroke listing, the values on the commission settings are usually set to $0.00 when user first open the page. Commission page may already have list of agents that are involved in the transaction with the given $ % and award % values for each agent.
In a CoBroke listing, the box our seller should not be checked.
- Enter the selling price
- The commission price will be filled in automatically
- Enter the cobroke commission % value and the $ value will compute automatically or vice versa.
- Enter our selling commission % value and the $ value will compute automatically or vice versa.
- Click the save
The selling commission of $15,000 is repeated at the top of the adjusted sell commission and distributed to the agents on the list with an amount based on the $ percentage values.
See instruction above To add a CoBroke agent and office *
In House: meaning Our Listing - Our Buyer
When user first open the Commission page, the values may all be set to $0.00. The page may have already a list agent, sell agent (maybe even the referral company) that are involved in the transaction with the given $ % and award % values in each agent and $ % in each referral company.
Note: our seller and our buyer box should both be checked.
The listing agents and buyer agents in Agents page are the same on the Commission page.
On the Commission sub menu
- Enter the selling price
- The commission price will be filled in automatically
- Enter the listing commission % value and the $ value will compute automatically or vice versa.
- Enter the selling commission % value and the $ value will compute automatically or vice versa.
- Click the save button
- The selling commission of $15,000 is the same as the adjusted sell commission and distributed to the agents on the list with an amount based on the $ percentage values.
- The listing commission of $15,000 is the same as the adjusted list commission and distributed to the agents on the list with an amount based on the $ percentage values.
Paying Referrals Off the Top
Referrals are taking off on the amount on top of the commission $ values. This will be given to the different referral companies that are listed.
- Enter the referral % values and the $ values will compute automatically or vice versa.
- For instance, $14,700.00 will appear automatically after entering 35.00 as the % values.
- Click the save button
- The referral of $14,700 is the same as the referral commission and distributed to the referral companies on the list with an amount based on the $ percentage values.
- The adjusted list commission of $27,300 is distributed to the agents on the list with an amount based on the $ percentage values.