There are instances where a commission or payment was previously marked paid (by check or direct deposit) but the payment was either returned or uncashed and needs to be paid again. There are 2 ways to make the correction as long as the payments are not marked as reconciled.
Void the voucher payment
Voiding the payment will keep the entire record of the payment but the amount paid will show $0.
- Go to Bills
- Click Edit Payments
- Click search and look for the voucher that needs to be voided
- Click void
- Payment will show $0 amount
Unpost, then delete the voucher
Unposting then deleting the payment will delete the record completely.
- Go to Bills
- Click Edit Payments
- Click search and look for the voucher that needs to be unposted and deleted
- Click unpost
- Click delete
- Click yes

Once either of the steps are done, refresh the screen on the Pay Bills section. The voucher will be listed as an entry available to be paid. The user can pay by check or direct deposit if necessary.
- Go to Bills
- Click Pay Bills
- Click search and look for the voucher
- Click refresh
NOTE: These steps will ensure that the amount for that payable is not duplicated on the 1099 or any reports.