Add a Bank Account in darwin Cloud
Go to darwin Cloud Main Menu
- Click Ledger
- Select Chart
- Select the company from the dropdown list
- Click new
- Enter an account number
- make sure it does not exist in the chart of accounts
- Enter the description that will be used as the accounts name
- Choose the header account from the dropdown list
- Check the box if this account will be a system account or a commission account
- system accounts are only for accounts used by darwin Cloud to process transactions (not required)
- Check the box if this account will be used as an escrow account
- The escrow liability field will only be available once the account has been flagged or the check box for is escrow has been checked
- It lets the user assign a liability account for escrow
- Click save

How to Add a GL Account that is not a Bank Account in darwin Cloud
Go to darwin Cloud Main Menu
- Click Ledger
- Choose Chart
- Select the column of what category you would like to add the new GL account
- Click new
- Enter the account number
- make sure it does not already exist in the chart of accounts
- Enter the description that will be used as the accounts name
- The account type auto populates to what category user have chosen
- but users have the option to choose from the dropdown what account type they want to assign the new GL account they will create
- Select the header type as Detail
- Select the header account from the dropdown list
- Check the box if this is a system account
- Click save