Darwin Cloud

How do I Cancel a Pending Transaction

Updated on

When you have a pending transaction where the deal falls through (buyer or seller backs out of the deal) follow these steps.

To cancel the transaction in darwin Cloud

  1. Search a pending property by clicking the search button
  2. Type some part of the address of the pending property in the address field then press enter
  3. Click the property to be cancelled
  1. Enter the cancel date by typing in the field or selecting it using the calendar button
  2. Select the cancel reason from the dropdown list
  3. Add -CA after the value in mls field
  4. Select Cancelled as the status from the dropdown list
  5. Click the save button

If it was your Listing (you had the SELLER) AND the listing is coming back on the market as an active listing, add "-CA" to the end of the MLS #. If it was your buyer (or your listing that is not going back on the market) there is no need to modify the mls number.

Removing Pictures from darwin Cloud

There is an important step to be done in MLS after the photos are deleted.  Please be sure not to miss the last step.

Photos will usually stay attached to the now canceled transaction if the photos have not been updated recently in the MLS. To avoid issues follow these steps:

To delete the photos  

  1. Click Properties
  2. Click search to locate the property
    • a new window will appear, fill out necessary information
  3. Click Media Stream
  4. Click the trash icon
  5. Click yes to delete

Modify your photos in some way in MLS

Please also go into the MLS and delete one of your photos and then reload it - so that the MLS gives your photos a new "modified date".

This is also very important.  We pull photos based on last modified date. Some MLS systems flag photos as modified only when the photos are changed, some will flag them as modified any time you change the order. 

If you delete & re-add a picture, this ensures your photos get flagged in the MLS as modified - this way AccountTECH know to grab the photos and attach them to the new Listing record.

The next time the MLS feed is processed it should attach the photos to the newly created Active Transaction.

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