The Dashboard is designed to show user possible issues or inconsistencies in the data that user may need to correct to ensure the business runs smoothly.
The issues are grouped in the following sections:
- property information - contains information about listings
- pending - shows properties missing pending information
- person information - shows people missing information
- vendor/partner - shows any missing vendor or partner info
- accounting information - shows possible accounting related issues
- franchise requirements - show any issues with reporting people or properties to your franchise
When a user opens the Dashboard, it is recommended to refresh the information by clicking the recalculate button.
- A user can refresh the data for the entire board by clicking recalculate
- Each section will now display the last time the Dashboard was updated
- Each action item will have a count of items to fix
property information
The first section to review is called property information, the action items found here correlate to issues that arise when a property is in an Active/Current/Open status. Problems can include but are not limited to properties missing List Agent, upcoming expiration
City, State, Zip Incomplete one or more of these parameters are blank
- Click the number next to City, State, Zip Incomplete
- Click the property address from the list
- Click the property address from the Properties screen (hyperlink)
- Fill in City, State or Zip on the field
- Click Save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within property information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced from 37 to 36

Duplicate MLS # shows properties that have the same MLS number
- Click the number next to Duplicate MLS #
- Click the header mls to sort properties with duplicated MLS #
- Click the property address that needs to be modified on the list
- Click the lock button to access complete list of status
- Change the status
- IF the property is a duplicate and there is no reason for the duplication, change the status to Withdrawn, Expired or Cancelled and add -dup to the mls #
- must have withdrawn date, expired date, or cancelled date
- IF the mls # is supposed to be in a duplicate, change the MLS number to indicate duplication
- IF the property is a duplicate and there is no reason for the duplication, change the status to Withdrawn, Expired or Cancelled and add -dup to the mls #
- Click save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within property information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced from 85 to 84

Listing Guestimated Expired Date shows listings where the MLS did not provide darwin Cloud with the expire date. When this occurs, the MLS import that darwin Cloud runs will fill in a Guestimated Expired date a certain number of days in the future, which is decided by each client.
- Click the number next to Listing Guestimated Expired Date
- Click the property address from the list
- Fill the real expire date
- Click save
- Click dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within property information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced from 1 to 0
This Listing guestimated Expired Date will only fill in when the listing is first entered and will not automatically extend

Listings with List Agent Missing shows listings for an office where the List Agent is missing from the property in darwin Cloud. This happens when the Agent MLS ID from the Agent Profile in darwin Cloud doesn't match the Agent's MLS ID in your MLS.
- Click the number next to Listings with List Agent Missing
- Click the property address from the list
- Click the none next to list agent
- Type part of the agents name in the search box
- Click search
- Click the agent's name
- Click save
- Click dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within property information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

MLS # blank shows properties that have do not have an MLS number in darwin Cloud. If the property is a Non-MLS listing that you would like pushed to your website or if the listing represents a transaction that is your sale, so PENDING, but you do not have the MLS number for that property.
- Click the number next to MLS # blank
- Click the property address from the list
- Fill in mls field
- Click save
- Click dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within property information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced from 19 to 18

Recent Status Changes shows properties that have had a status change in the last 7 days (unless user have modified the default in the MLS settings). This item shows all status changes, not just those from feeds.
- Click the number next to Recent Status Changes
- Click any of the headers to sort the view
- or Filter the list to refine the view

Property status conflicts shows properties that the feed attempted to make as status change to a property in the last 7 days (unless user have modified the default in the MLS settings) that was not allowed because it violated the status changes rules.
- Click the number next to Property status conflicts
- Click any of the headers to sort the view
- or Filter the list to refine the view
- Click the property address
- If needed, make any updates to allow the permitted status change
- Click save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within property information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

Upcoming Expiration is a way of notifying you how many listings are within 14 days of expiration (unless you have modified the default in the MLS settings)
- Click the number next to City, State, Zip Incomplete
- Click the property address from the list
- Update the expire date if it is not correct
- Click save
- Click dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within property information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced from 1 to 0

Recent New Properties shows you any listing that have been added in the last MLS import and no one has yet gone into the transaction to hit the validate button
- Click the number next to Recent New Properties
- Click the property address from the list
- Fill in any information that needs to be added on the property
- Click save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within property information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

The Pending part of The Dashboard is where issues that would effect cash flow projections are located.
Pendings past Closing date is where listings with Pending status and past closing dates are noted. Listings in this section may fall into one of these situations:
- the Closing date has been extended
- the Sale fell through, the property has Closed
- Click the number next to Pendings past Closing date
- Click the property address from the list
- Update the property
- IF the closing date has been extended change the est close date to the new date
- IF the sale has fallen through enter cancel date and cancel reason and change status to canceled in the status drop-down menu
- IF the property has closed the property must be Closed
- Click save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within pending
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

Pendings with missing closing date are transactions where the closing date is missing
- Click the number next to Pendings with missing closing date
- Click the property address from the list
- Enter the est close date
- Click save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within pending
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

Pendings with no Company $ pendings are indicated here possibly because when creating the pending, gross commission is not included or because the agent's commission plan isn't set up, or if an agent has a 100% split.
- Click the number next to Pendings with no Company $
- Click the property address from the list
- Click the Commission submenu to check the fields that are used to calculate company $
- selling price
- comm price
- list or sell agent
- listing or selling commission %
- Click Agent Net List or Sell submenu to view the Company $
- Click save
- Click dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within pending
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced from 37 to 36

Fill out the following information:
- selling price
- comm price
- list or sell agent
- listing or selling commission %

person information
Agent MLS ID not filled in shows agents with no mls id filled in
- Click the number next to Agent MLS ID not filled in
- Click the agent from the list
- Click People links
- Click the plus (+) button to add the MLS ID
- Select MLS source
- Enter MLS ID
- Click add
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within person information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

Duplicate Agent MLS ID shows a list of agents that have the same mls #. This will cause the listings to possibly show the wrong list or sell agent.
Buyer or seller is blank shows list of properties missing the buyer or the seller
Listings with Seller email missing this is a listing with an agent representing the seller, some clients have the option of sending the seller a survey via email after the property has sold. If there is no email, agents are unable to send the survey.
- Click the number next to Listings with Seller email missing
- Click the property address from the list
- Click people submenu
- Click the seller's name
- Fill in the email address
- Check send survey if applicable
- Click save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within person information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

Listings missing Seller source
- Click the number next to Listings missing Seller source
- Click the property address from the list
- Click People sub menu
- Click the seller's name
- Select the source
- Click save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within person information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

Pendings with Buyer email missing
- Click the number next to Pendings with Buyer email missing
- Click the property address from the list
- Click People submenu
- Click the seller's name
- Fill in the email address
- Check send survey if applicable
- Click save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within person information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

Pendings missing Buyer source
- Click the number next to Pendings missing Buyer source
- Click the property address from the list
- Click People sub menu
- Click the buyer's name
- Select the source
- Click save
- Click Dashboard when complete
- Click the small recalculate button within person information
- from the sample below image will show that the number to fix has been reduced

NOTE: Total number to fix will decrease only after a successful modification
Mortgage Co is blank shows list of properties missing the Mortgage Co
Title Co Seller is blank shows list of properties missing the sellers Title company
accounting information...details coming soon
AP Payments not posted
AR Payment not posted
Payments received and not on a deposit
Checks not posted
Deposits not posted
Commission proceeds not collected
AR Invoice not posted
Journal entry not posted
AP Vouchers not posted
franchise requirements...details coming soon
People Business Rule Error shows list of people who were submitted to dash but were rejected for violating a business rule
People technical errors shows list of people who were submitted to dash but failed to update because of a technical error from dash's server
People excluded from submit shows list of people who were exclude from submission because there was no change to dash data since their last submission
People failed DASH submit
People missing required fields
Property Business Rule Error shows list of properties that were submitted to dash but were rejected for violating a business rule
Property technical errors shows list of properties that were submitted to dash but failed to update because of a technical error from dash's server
Property excluded from submit shows list of properties that were exclude from submission because there was no change to dash data since their last submission
Property failed DASH submit
Property missing required fields
Property Failed Submission closed shows a list of properties that have not submitted to dash successfully since they were closed in darwin Cloud