Darwin Cloud

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices: How Do I Set Up Companies, Offices and Agents for Franchise Reporting to BHHS?

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Before running the franchise reports for Berkshire Hathaway, the franchise ID numbers should be entered for the company, for all offices, and for all active agents.

Enter Franchise ID for the Company

Enter the brand code and Affiliate ID on the Company screen

  1. Click Company
  2. Click Company
  3. Enter BHHS as the brand code
  4. Enter the BHHS Affiliate ID as the Mailbox ID
  5. Click save

The BHHS Affiliate ID is a number assigned by Berkshire Hathaway.  It consists of a two-letter state ID followed by a three-digit number that form a unique ID for the company.

Enter the Assigned Office ID

Enter the designated 3-digit office ID for each office that will submit to Berkshire Hathaway:

  1. Click Company
  2. Click Office
  3. Select the company the office belongs to from the dropdown list
  4. Select the office to update
  5. Enter the office ID in the field franchise ID
  6. Click save

The Corporate Office exists in darwin Cloud for accounting purposes only and does not submit to Berkshire Hathaway - therefore, it does not need an office ID.

Enter Associate ID for Agents

For active agents with an assigned BHHS Associate ID (also called PREA ID), the ID number should be entered on his or her profile:

  1. Click People
  2. Click People links
  3. Use the search button to locate agent profile
    • a new window will appear, enter a part of the agent's name
  4. Enter Associate ID in the field agent #
  5. Click save

Agents without an ID will create a new record when the the Roster Sync File is uploaded to the BHHS portal - for new agents, the Associate ID of the new record should be added to the agent's darwin Cloud profile.

The Franchise Report will not generate correctly if agents are missing Associate ID's.

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