Darwin Cloud

How do I add Escrow Deposits and Write Checks in a Transaction

Updated on

Enter an Escrow Deposit

  1. Click the Properties menu
  2. Use search button to find the property
  1. Enter part of the property on the field
  2. Click search or hit enter
  3. Click on the property address
  1. Click the Escrow sub-menu
  2. Click the deposit button to open the deposit form
  3. Select a bank account from dropdown list
  4. Enter the check number of the check provided for the deposit
  5. Use the search button to select the escrow payee that gave the deposit
  6. Enter the date of the deposit
  7. Enter the amount of the deposit
  8. Click post

Enter an Escrow Check

  1. Click the check button to open the check form
  2. Select a bank account
  3. Use the search button to select the escrow payee that will receive the check
  4. Enter the date of the check
  5. Enter the amount of the check
  6. Enter the check number of the next escrow
  7. Modify the check memo, if needed
  8. Select a different check template, if needed
  9. Click post

View Escrow Balance

View escrow balances in the Total row. Each column has a total to show.

  1. Total escrow deposits
  2. Total escrow withdrawals
  3. Balance in escrow

To print an Escrow check it must first be posted.  The button print opens the check in print preview for you to view before printing

  1. Click the escrow check
  2. Click print
  3. Click Print on the preview checks to be printed window

Modify an Escrow Deposit or Escrow Check

If an escrow item is not cleared or reconciled, everything can be modified. Additionally, escrow items that are not cleared or reconciled can be deleted.

  1. Click the payee field to open and modify
  2. Edit any field that needs to be changed
  3. Click save

Delete an Escrow Deposit or Escrow Check

If an escrow item is not cleared or reconciled, it can be deleted.

  1. Click the payee field to open escrow deposit 
  2. Click the delete button
  1. Click the payee field to open escrow check
  2. Click the delete button
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