Darwin Cloud

How to Send Anywhere (Realogy) Buyer/Seller Surveys

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Sellers and Buyers

Some Anywhere (Realogy) Brands sends Real Satisfied Surveys to buyers and sellers with information that is provided by dash. While the surveys are sent out from dash for all transactions that contain an email address, there are certain flags that can be set in darwin Cloud to indicate which individuals should receive surveys in the case of multiple buyers or sellers.

This article will show how to:

  • Send surveys to a single buyer or seller
  • Send a survey to the correct recipient when there are multiple buyers or sellers
  • Prevent surveys from sending to buyers or sellers
  • Adjust darwin Cloud settings to allow more control over when surveys are sent

Anywhere (Realogy) will automatically send a survey if they have ever received an email address for buyers or sellers.  

To ensure that a survey will not be sent, users should log into dash and manually remove or modify the email address to prevent the survey from sending.

Sending Survey: One Buyer or One Seller on Side

Sending a survey requires two steps:

  • adding the buyer or seller to the property
  • filling in the contact information for the buyer or seller

If there is only one buyer on the buy side or one seller on the sell side, use the steps below to send a survey:

  1. Click Properties
  2. Click search to find the property
  3. Click People
  4. Click "+" button to add seller (or buyer)
  5. Check the box next to send survey
  6. Select english or spanish from the dropdown list
  7. Select survey delivery type Email
  8. Click save

For buyers, follow the same steps but click the "+" in the buyer section of the People screen

AccountTECH - Agent - Google Chrome

On the buyer or seller profile the email address must be filled in: 

  1. Click People
  2. Click People basics
  3. Click search to find the buyer or seller
  4. Fill in email address
  5. Click save

Sending Survey: More than One Buyer or Seller

To send a survey when there is more than one buyer or seller, use the following steps.  Please note: no survey will be sent unless the user selects one of the buyers or sellers to receive the survey.

  1. Click Properties
  2. Click search to find the property
  3. Click People
  4. Click "+" button to add seller (or buyer)
  5. Check the box next to send survey
  6. Select english or spanish from the dropdown list
  7. Select survey delivery type Email
  8. Click save

For sellers, follow the same steps but click the "+" in the buyer section of the People screen

AccountTECH - Agent - Google Chrome

Prevent a Survey from Sending to a Customer

Anywhere (Realogy) will automatically send a survey if they have ever received an email address for buyers or sellers.  

In cases where the customer should not receive a survey, Anywhere (Realogy) suggests the following:

  • Before closing the transaction, make sure the buyer/seller email address is not in dash
  • Remove the buyer or seller email address from darwin Cloud on the People > Basics
    • Deselecting the send survey box on the Properties > People screen will only prevent the email address from sending to dash if the setting "Send email address only if survey is enabled" is turned on.
  • After the transaction has closed and fed to dash, the agent will receive a notification from RealSatisfied that the transaction is missing/awaiting details
  • Agent can go to their RealSatisfied dashboard, locate the transaction, select the Pending details icon (clock icon), and select Prefer not to provide details

Adjust Survey Settings in darwin Cloud

darwin Cloud has a setting called Send email address only if survey is enabled that determines whether customer contact information will be automatically sent to dash to generate surveys.

With this setting in place:

  • the "send survey" checkbox will be unchecked by default, users will have to manually check the box for each transaction to send a survey
  • when the send survey box on the Properties > People screen is not selected, the buyer or seller email address will not be sent to dash

If user want more control over whether a customer receives a survey or not, please ask darwin Cloud Administrator to turn this setting on. Administrators can adjust the settings using the following steps:

  1. Click Settings menu
  2. click Setup submenu
  3. Click application settings
  4. Choose Submission
  5. Change send email address only if survey is enabled from False to True

There are additional Anywhere (Realogy) guidelines and restrictions based on property type that determine whether surveys will be sent. For an overview of these criteria, please review the article Requirements for Sending Anywhere Real Estate Inc. Surveys

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