In Properties > Basics screen of a closed transaction, there are these three dates:
- est close date
- close date
- date processed
- est close date - Estimated close date refers to the approximate date of closing the transaction. This is established once a property is set to close and the seller has accepted an offer from a buyer.
- close date - Close date is the date user set as Post date for Accounting from the Properties > Post screen as the the closed, on record date. This date that will appear on the invoices, payable, and reports as the property's closing date.
- date processed - This refers to the date a closing is processed in darwin Cloud. If the transaction has been un-posted to make any changes after the transaction has been posted, (add a referral dollar amount, add another agent to be paid on the transaction, etc) and then re-posted, the date that the transaction has been re-posted will be overwriting the previous date processed.