Darwin Cloud

Agent Reports in darwin Cloud

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Accessing Reports in darwin Cloud

  1. Click Reports
  2. Click All reports
  3. Choose Category from the right panel of the screen
  4. The list of Reports available for the user to run will be shown
    • Double-click on the Report name to open

The list of available reports may grow as more reports are developed and added to report menu


Depending on the Report that the user is running, user will have the ability to choose a date range to view

  1. Choose predefined date from the drop-down list
  2. In the filter parameter section, choose any filters from the drop-down list
  3. Once filters and date range is selected, click preview to open the report

If user does not want to select one of the predefined date ranges, choose 1. custom then click in the field to use the calendar to select 2. date from and 3. date from.

The report will open in a new browser.

  1. If there are multiple pages, navigate using the arrow left and right
  2. If user would like to print the report, click on the printer icon
  3. If user would like to export the report, click on the disk icon and choose Excel
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