To reconcile a bank account in darwin Cloud
- Go to Banking
- Click the Reconciliation submenu
- Click new
- Choose the company
- Select the bank account
- Enter the starting balance based from the bank account statement
- Enter the ending balance based from the bank account statement
- Click start

- Enter the date on the show only Chk and Dep thru field (last day of the month that will be reconciled)
- Quick filter using the dropdown list
- With the bank statement in hand, check the boxes under cleared column for the checks and deposits that correspond to the statement as each item is found
NOTE: In the bank reconciliation screen, the user may sort any of the Header items by clicking in the field that you would like to sort as seen below.
- + deposits clear equals the total deposits on the bank statement
- - checks clear equals the total checks and withdrawals on the bank statement
- If the out of balance equals to $0.00 that means the bank reconciliation was accurately done
- Click print for a bank reconciliation report
- Once everything is in order, properly check the out of balance is $0.00, then click reconcile