Darwin Cloud

Troubleshooting: Cannot see Offices to charge for expenses

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When entering Accounts Payable/Bill and trying to expense a line item on a payable to a particular office, it is possible that you will not see the Office you are looking for in the dropdown list for charging expenses due to the following 3 reasons:

  1.  Are you in the right company?

    Offices "belong" to a company... And, Accounts Payable (bills to pay) belong to a company.  When you are entering a bill, you always select which of your companies is paying the bill.  Once you have selected the company that is paying the bill, only Offices that belong to that company can be selected for charging expenses on the bill.

  2. Do you have permissions to work with this office?

    In the Security Permissions, each individual user is specifically allowed to work with specific Offices within specific companies.  Check with your supervisor to see if your security settings allow you with the Office you are trying to select when entering Bills.

  3. The issue is related to job codes which are maintained behind the scenes for accounting income and expense allocation.  This issue needs to be corrected by AccountTECH programmers.  Please call or email AccountTECH support at [email protected] and include any and all pertinent details. 
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