Darwin Cloud

Security Screen Navigation

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To understand the fundamentals of the Security screen, below are its submenus

  • Users
  • Roles
  • Companies
  • Offices
  • Login History

How to search and select a user

  1. Click Users submenu
  2. Click search button
  3. Narrow down the search using the following filters:
    • username
    • full name
    • email
    • company
    • office
    • role
  4. Click search
    • The screen will filter the list showing the name that user entered in the search box.

To go back to the list of all the users, clear the filters and click search. It will show the first few numbers of users. Click view more to show other users.

Normally staff in the Accounting department are the only users that have access to the bank accounts.

View the user setup:

  1. The following information of the user will be displayed at the top:
    • username
    • first and last name
    • email address
  2. The following are not action items, rather an indication when the users will need to change their password:
    • password expiration
    • locked
  3. Allows which functionalities in darwin Cloud the user is allowed to view
  4. Allows which companies in darwin Cloud the user is allowed to view
  5. Allows which offices in darwin Cloud the user is allowed to view
  6. Shows what bank accounts the user are allowed to work with
  7. Allows which voucher types in darwin Cloud the user is allowed to view
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
  • After selecting a user at the right side of the screen, the information of the user will be displayed at the middle screen
  • darwin Cloud will show the username of the user that is used to log in to the system
  • As the user selected is changed, the information for that user in the middle will change as well. It will always update the role of the user, the company and the list of offices the user is allowed to view,  what bank accounts the user is allowed to work with and what voucher types is allowed to view.

Users that are Agents should not be given access to the bank accounts.

  1. To maximize space of the screen showing the information of the selected user at the middle, you may click the show list button to show/hide the data list on the right side of the screen.
  2. Shows the list of users at the right side of the screen
  • Shows maximized space of the screen showing the information of the selected user
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome

To display the list of users at the right side of the screen

  1. Click the search
  2. Clear all the username, full name and email fields (or click the clear all button)
  3. Click search

The screen will display several users listed in darwin Cloud.

  1. To see more of the list, user must click "view more"


To manage and configure the roles

  1. Click Roles sub menu
  2. Select a System role at the right side of the screen by clicking on the role you want to modify
  3. Screen shows the list of selected users with a role of a Manager
  1. Screen shows which functionalities the user with a Manager role can access
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
  1. Screen shows which reports the user with a Manager role is allowed to view
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
  1. Screen shows which person types the user with a Manager role is allowed to add or view
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
  1. Screen shows the user with a Manager role is allowed to view in dashboards
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome

Items in the selected list are those that are allowed for the specific role to access, and items in the not selected list are those that the Manager role does not have an access.

Add a new System role

  1. Click new
  2. Type the role name in the field
  3. Click start
  4. Click save to add the new System role
  1. In the sample role created above: User can now classify what system role - Transaction Coordinator can do and see in darwin Cloud.

Roles are for determining which screens the user can use under actions and which report they can see under reports.

If you select Administrator role:

  1. it shows that the Administrator role is allowed to use all the screens that the software offers under actions
  2. is allowed to see every report in darwin Cloud
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome

checked box means the screen can be viewed under actions and allowed to view a report under reports

Configure a System role

  1. Click the role you want to configure. For our example the Administrator is the role selected
  2. Under actions, you may click the items to remove permissions in the selected list.
    Items that are removed in the selected list means the user with Administrator role cannot access that page or button. In this example: Banking, Company, Dashboard, My account and System are removed in the selected list.
    • The items removed from the selected list are placed in the not selected list.

If any checkbox is selected under actions, this denotes that the user can view and click that button. In the example given, People and Properties main menu buttons at the top of the screen can be clicked because the box is checked.

  1. If user click the People button at the top of the screen, it shows the different buttons under People at the left side of the screen. These are the submenu buttons
  1. Once user go back to Security > Roles > actions the screen shows that all the boxes under People are checked so that means that for Administrator role, users can click and navigate all the buttons under People.

Another example:

  1. If user is setting role for Front desk, click that role on right side of the screen.
  2. Under actions column, uncheck those items that a Front desk normally is not allowed to view.
    • User may want to remove the Dashboard > Preferences since normally a manager will determine what board items should be visible for the company
    • Under Properties, majority of the screens can be viewed but user may remove the Agent Net List and Agent Net Sell that shows the breakdown of the agent's commissions and the Post button because that is the role of the Accounting
  3. After unchecking the items under actions that are not allowed to view for Front desk role and that is placed in the not selected list, click the save button.

Every user that has the role of Front desk can now view the items in the selected list under actions and not  view the items in the not selected list.

User can uncheck all the items under reports section that the Front desk role should not be allowed to view

  1. In example, user can uncheck all Accounting items under reports section
  2. Click the save button after unchecking the items under reports that the Front desk role is not allowed to view
    • Items in the not allowed list will not see by the user with Front desk role.
  1. Under users section, items under selected will show the list of users with the selected role.
  2. Items under the not selected list means they do not belong to the selected role.

Under Companies section, it will only be relevant if the darwin Cloud user owns multiple companies. From the example, it shows that the user owns multiple companies.

  1. Under the Offices submenu, it will show the list of all the offices by company.
  1. If user have multiple companies in darwin Cloud, to see the offices click the drop down list and select the company you want view.
  1. Once the office is selected, it will show who has the permission to work with information from the selected office.
    In our example, under ACE Office shows the screen with different users who have permissions for the information of the selected office, and many who do not have permissions.

In the Login History section, it shows a report of different users, with different email addresses and the date and time the following persons login to the system.

Users may also search using the

  1. login date
  2. user
  3. email

The Login History is viewing historical records of logins into darwin Cloud. The attempted failed may indicate a user who has forgotten their password or a user who has allowed their username to become compromised.

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