Darwin Cloud

Add a custom total to a report

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Adding a custom total to a report is as easy as 1 -2 -3.

  • Create a custom total that you want to use on reports
  • Add your new custom total to all Agent profiles
  • Select your custom total when you are choosing columns to show on a report

Create a custom total for a report

In darwin Cloud, you can create up to 6 custom totals for use in reports.  To get started:

  1. Choose Formulas menu  
  2. Click the Totals submenu 
  3. Click the new button to begin creating your custom report total 

Here are the important things to remember when creating a custom report total:

In the add total tracking value screen:

  1. Give the total a name that is short enough that it will look good as a column header on reports
  2. Choose the total type: person
  3. Select enable on both the list side and the sell side (in most cases)
  4. Click start to build the formula to calculate the custom report total

In Totals submenu:

  1. Add a formula on both the list & sell side (what $ amount + what $ amount = custom report total)
  2. Set the within dates for the total on both the list & sell side
  3. Choose a report id from the dropdown list
  4. Click save

Add your new custom total to all Agent profiles

In the People screen, navigate to any Agent profile. Select the commission submenu.

  1. Add tracking totals by clicking plus (+) button
  2. Select the tracking total from the list
  3. Click add
  4. Select save for all agents
  5. Click save

Once user added the total to all agents, this total will be recalculated every time the agent has a closing. For testing purposes user may want to select a few top producing agents and manually refresh their totals. Important: the totals added to agent profiles and refreshed (either manually or by an Agent closing) are the only totals that will appear on your reports

Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome

Select your custom total when running a report

When you run your report, under the available columns look for the Custom Totals and select the name of the total that needs to show on the report.

Note that the custom totals will not show the data for each agent if it was just added. If you would like the totals to show the data on the report, manually run the rep cubes with full update or wait until the next day as darwin Cloud does an automatic update on rep cubes every midnight.

When your report appears, the name that you gave to the Total will appear as a column header in your report

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