To add the agent MLSID in person/agent's profile in darwin Cloud:
Anywhere Real Estate, Inc., formerly Realogy, brand customers, need to review the "Submit as" Association/MLS. This value is what is used to the MoxiWorks Integration. For most feeds this will be populated automatically with a default value but for Customers in regional MLSes like MichRIC, you may need to select the association of which the agent is a member. Also for some feed aggregators like Trestle, we get multiple mls' tied to that one feed and user will need to select the association.
- Click the People menu
- Click search
- Type some portion of the agent name
- Select Agent from the drop-down list to limit People types in the search results
- Click search
- Click the agent's name
- Click People links
- Click the + button next to MLS ID
- Select MLS source from the dropdown list (feed type)
- Select MLS source from the dropdown list (source)
- Enter MLS ID
- Click add