Darwin Cloud

Listing with List Agent Missing

Updated on


This will happen if the agent information is missing agent MLSID to link the person record to property. Listings should matched to the agents by the MLS ID filled in on the agent profile.

To Fix:

Add the correct MLSID to the agent profile

  1. Click People
  2. Use the search button to locate the agent
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  3. Click People links
  4. Click the plus (+) icon to add MLS ID
  5. Select the MLS source
  6. Select the MLS subtype
  7. Enter the MLSID
  8. Click add

Go back to the property to refresh the listing record

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Use the search button to locate the property
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  3. Click Basics submenu
  4. Click refresh
  5. Select the Feed name
  6. MLS Number will be added automatically
  7. Click Pull
  1. Click Close once the property ID updated successfully
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