Darwin Cloud

Commission percentage of list/buy side agents should be 100

Updated on


This error occurs when the award % for the list or sell agents does not total 100% on a sales transaction.  The most common scenario is that the award % was not filled in for the agent on the deal, and is currently 0%.


This error can be fixed by correcting the award % for the agents on the property record

  1. Navigate to the property
  2. Click Commission
  3. Click on the award %
  1. Enter the percentage of award for the agent(s) on the deal
  2. Click Save

The system will automatically set the total agent award % to 100% once it has been entered.  

  • For transactions with two agents, enter the award % the first agent will receive, and the second agent's award will calculate automatically
  • For transactions with more than two agents, enter 100% for the first agent, then enter the correct award % for the second, third, etc. agents. The first agent's percentage will automatically recalculate to deduct the credit assigned to other agents on the deal.


The agent award percentage will generally recalculate when selling price, commission price, and commission % data is entered on the commission screen. However, these fields may not be automatically triggered to recalculate in cases where a pending deal is imported from MLS, or transaction is duplicated or re-activated manually. It is best practice to review the dashboard to check for any cases where the award % has not been entered so it can be added.

Additional Considerations

Email [email protected] to open a ticket if the total award % for agents on one side is calculating as more than 100%. This should not be permitted by the system, and should be reviewed by AccountTECH's programming team.

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