Darwin Cloud

Multiple Primary Agents Specified

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This error occurs on rental transactions that are entered with agents on both sides. Anywhere Real Estate, Inc., formerly Realogy, receives rental transactions as Other Income transactions, and as such, they are not recognized as two-sided deals. 


Rental transactions must be entered with all agents and income on the same side of the deal. There are two ways to set up transactions to ensure they will submit to dash without errors

Option 1: Move all agents to the list side

Option 2: Create separate transactions for list and sell agents

Option 1: Move all agents to list side

For rental transactions that have already been posted, this correction can be made by users with the role "Modify Closings" without unposting the deal. That makes this the easiest solution for correcting old transactions where agents have already been paid.

 The image shown below depicts the incorrect setup for a rental that need to submit to dash.  To correct the deal:

  1. Navigate to the property record
  2. Click Commission
  3. Deselect the our buyer checkbox
  4. Click yes on the pop up window that populates
  5. Click save

The transaction will now display with only one side. Add the agent(s) and commission to the list side of the deal:

  1. Enter the full commission amount as listing commission $
  2. Click save
  3. Click + to add sell side agent(s)
  4. Enter list agent name
  5. Enter percent of adjusted gross
  6. Enter percent of award
  7. Click Add

After this is completed, the transaction should resemble the setup below.  Rental transactions posted with this setup can be submitted successfully to dash.

Option 2: Create separate records for list and sell agents

In cases where the transaction has already been posted, the original transaction will need to be unposted before completing the steps below. If agents have already been paid by check, make sure to record the check numbers used so the information can be re-entered. If agents have already been paid by direct deposit, enter the payment method as check when re-posting the transaction to avoid duplicating the payment.

Rental transactions can be submitted as two separate transactions, one for the list side and one for sell side.  If the sell side information is already entered on the property record, the sell side of the transaction can be duplicated:

  1. Navigate to the property record
  2. Click Basics
  3. Click copy
  4. Select selling side info
  5. Click Copy
  6. Click yes 

Going to commission screen will allow you to review the setup of the original transaction

The system will automatically open the newly created record

  1. Add the word Sell to the mls field to differentiate the two records
  2. Click save

Depending on the settings for duplicating properties, there may be additional fields that need to be filled in manually before the record can be saved.  Follow the system prompts to supply the required fields.

Review the Commission setup of the duplicated record:

  1. Navigate to Commission submenu
  2. Confirm agent $ amount and award %, modify if needed (click on the agent name to start editing)
  3. Enter correct percent of adjusted gross and percentage of award
  4. Click Save

Additional fields may be required based on custom duplication settings

Navigate back to the original transaction

  1. Navigate to the property record
  2. Click Commission
  3. Deselect our buyer
  4. Click yes on the system prompt
  5. Click save

At this point, there should be one transaction with accurate list side information and one with accurate sell side information for the rental transaction.  Because both records contain only one side, both should submit successfully when posted.


For teams accustomed to entering rental transactions as two-sided deals, this new setup can be an adjustment. Make sure your team is familiar with the new restrictions that Anywhere Real Estate, Inc., has in place, and understands that rental transactions will only submit correctly if all agents are on the same side. Because there are two ways to enter rental transactions, provide guidelines to your team to ensure that the transactions are being entered and processed in a consistent way.

Additional Considerations

Even with corrected setup, Rental transactions can only be submitted in status Active, Expired, Withdrawn, and Closed/Processed.  Anywhere Real Estate, Inc. does not accept rentals in status Pending.

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