Darwin Cloud

The Type Code and Property Type combination is invalid or the Type Code is not set

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This error is caused by a mismatch between any of the following three fields on a property record:

  1. type code
  2. accounting code
  3. property type

One of the validation checks required by Anywhere Real Estate Inc., is consistency between type code, accounting code and property type.  If any of these fields is not filled in, or contains an invalid value, an error will occur during submission.

If this error is occurring on transactions newly imported from MLS, please email [email protected] with the following information:

  • Property ID or MLS #
  • MLS associated with listing
  • Property Type in MLS
  • Any missing inaccurate information imported to the fields type code, accounting code, or property type


Make sure that the type code, accounting code, and property type are a) filled in on the Property Basics screen, and b) consistent in regards to:

  • residential vs. commercial vs. other income designation
  • land vs. property classification

Options for Type Code

There are eight possible options for type code:

  • Commercial
  • Commercial - Farm and Agriculture
  • Commercial - Lots & Land
  • Commercial - Other
  • Residential
  • Residential - Farm and Agriculture
  • Residential - Lots & Land
  • Residential - Other

This list is determined by Realogy, and cannot be modified.

Options for Accounting Code

The options for accounting code can be customized by company, but behind the scenes each option includes a code that is submitted to Realogy. These codes can be reviewed on the screen Formulas > Acct. codes.  

  • Codes beginning with the letter C are classified as Commercial
  • Codes beginning with the letter R are classified as Residential

Each code is also associated with an income type:

  • Rental Income is submitted to dash as a rental transaction
  • Misc Income is submitted to dash as Other Income, and requires the field Income Type to be filled in on the property record
  • Blank is submitted to dash as a sales transaction

Options for Property Type:

The Property Type dropdown will display different options based on the Type Code selected for the property record. There are four codes used to determine which property types will display:

  • C - designates a Commercial property type
  • R - designates a Residential property type
  • LL - designates a Lots and Land transaction
  • O - designates miscellaneous property types (such as mixed use residential/commercial buildings)

Note: Because the Property Type is dependent on the Type Code, if the Type Code is changed by either a user or an update in the MLS data, the update may remove the inconsistent Property Type from the property record and leave the field blank.


The key to preventing this error is determining whether the inconsistencies are caused by an MLS update or by a user.

To check the source of the update, check the History tab of the property record. Filter by one of the key words below to review the username associated with the updates:

  • classification (alternate term for accounting code)
  • typecode
  • property type
  1. Click History
  2. Filter field name by classification, typecode or property type
  3. Confirm username in modified by field

Updates made by MLS import will display the username dwinner

If the history shows that the update was made by user dwinner, please email [email protected] with the following information so that we can review the MLS feed:

  • Property ID or MLS #
  • MLS associated with listing
  • Property Type in MLS
  • Any missing inaccurate information imported to the fields type code, accounting code, or property type
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