Darwin Cloud

This Active Property (OL) is Missing either the Listing Gross Commission or the Listing Price

Updated on


This error occurs when a listing transaction does not have the asking price filled in on the Property Basics tab.


For transactions encountering this submission error, the only action needed is filling in the asking price and resubmitting the record:

  1. Navigate to the property record under Properties menu
    • use the search button to locate the property
  2. Click Basics submenu
  3. Enter asking price
  4. Click save
  5. Click submit


The best way to catch transactions missing the asking price is to regularly review the item Property TOTAL submit errors on the Dashboard:

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Overview
  3. Locate the view Property TOTAL submit errors in the franchise requirements section
  4. Click the blue number hyperlink to view the errors

When the view opens, type a key word in the error column to filter the list by error (ex. "active")

This will provide a list of transactions that need to have the asking price filled in

Additional Considerations:

If there are cases where a transaction has the listing price filled in on the MLS listing, but the data has not fed through to darwin Cloud within 4 hours, please email [email protected] so we can review the case.  Please provide the following information in the email:

  • Property MLS #
  • MLS property is listed in
  • Correct List Price
  • Date that List Price was entered in MLS
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